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2003 Course Environmental Biotechnology

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Total No. of Questions :11] P1113 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3864] - 435 B.E. (Biotechnology) ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY (2003 Course) (Sem.- I) (416281) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 2) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. 3) Maximum marks for each question is given in parentheses. SECTION - I Q1) Describe the variations of the conventional activated sludge process for wastewater treatment. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of each type. [18] OR Q2) a) b) An 1800 ml of activated sludge is allowed to settle for 30 minutes. At the end of the settling time the sludge volume is 1300 ml. What is the thirty minute settled sludge volume (SSV 30). If the mixed liquor concentration of a waste water sample is 3200 mg/L, what is the sludge volume index (SVI)? [9] Explain the different methods employed for dewatering sludge. [9] Q3) What is the significance of sampling in wastewater? Describe the different types of sampling techniques. Why is equalization done? [16] OR Q4) a) b) What are the different types of aeration mechanisms employed in suspended biological treatment method? [8] o The B.O.D5 of a surface water sample is 250 mg/litre at 25 C. Assuming the value of the reaction constant K = 0.23 day-1 to the base e , estimate the ultimate B.O.D of the sample. [8] Q5) Differentiate any four: a) Chemical coagulation and Chemical precipitation. b) Stabilization Ponds and Aerated lagoons. c) Fixed film biological process and suspended growth process. d) Adsorption and Absorption. e) Sedimentation and flocculation. f) Chlorination and Irradiation. [16] P.T.O. SECTION - II Q6) Explain the principle of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket digestor with the help of a neat diagram. Also describe the advantages and disadvantages of the process. [18] OR Q7) Discuss the current strategies for the treatment of distillery effluent? [18] Q8) What is meant by hazardous waste? Explain the methods of site remediation and waste minimization in hazardous waste treatment. [16] OR Q9) Explain the various methods involved in the disposal of radioactive wastes. [16] Q10)Read the following data and answer the questions below: [16] An abandoned petrochemical refinery site has soil contaminated with petroleum by-products [organic chemicals including total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)], lead (Pb), and arsenic (As). The chemical analysis of the contaminated soil for TPH, Pb, and As was: Soil pH - 7.2; TPH - 45,600 mg/kg; Pb - 1,300 mg/kg; As - 100 mg/kg of contaminated soil. A small-scale pilot study was conducted at the contaminated site to evaluate the ability of bioremediation (natural attenuation), phytoremediation, and chemical immobilization to reduce risk to soil contaminants. Results of the pilot study are shown in the following table. Remediation Before treatment After treatment Treatment Soil lead Soil TPH Soil lead SoilTPH (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Bioremediation 1,300 45,600 1,300 22,100 Phytoremediation 1,300 45,600 812 23,150 Immobilization 1,300 45,600 1,300 45,600 a) One method to optimize bioremediation and contaminant removal is to increase contaminant solubility. List one chemical method to increase TPH solubility and bioavailability and optimize bioremediation to further reduce soil TPH levels. b) One approach to optimize phytoremediation and contaminant removal is to increase contaminant solubility. Describe all chemical methods/ techniques to optimize phytoremediation by increasing contaminant solubility of Pb. [3864]-435 2 c) List one hyperaccumulator plant that can be used for phytoremediation of the following contaminants: Lead hyperaccumulator, Arsenic hyperaccumulator. Explain the mode of phytoremediation by the plant. d) Some chemical immobilization treatments have been shown to reduce risk from soil ingestion of lead. List two and explain the mode of action. OR Q11)Write short notes on any two [16] a) Treatment of textile effluent. b) Composting and waste management. c) Phytomining. d) Bioremediation of hydrocarbons. jjj [3864]-435 3

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