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2003 Course Novel Separation Techniques

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1167 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3864] - 434 Final Year B.E. (Biotechnology) NOVEL SEPARATION TECHNIQUES (416284) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 2) Use of Programmable calculator is not allowed. 3) Draw a neat sketch wherever necessary. 4) Make necessary assumptions wherever required. 5) Answer any THREE questions from section I and any THREE questions from section II. SECTION - I Q1) a) Explain the range and characteristics of Bioproducts? [6] b) Explain in detail the need of downstream processing? [10] OR Q2) a) b) Q3) a) b) Give a brief overview of Bioseparations? [6] Differentiate between bioprocesses and other conventional separation processes? [10] Explain in detail Gas chromatography with a neat sketch? [8] Define Ion exchange chromatography? What is the principle behind it? List out the applications of Ion exchange chromatography. [8] OR Q4) a) What are the materials used in HPLC columns for stationary phase and mobile phase? [4] b) How many types of column chromatography techniques are there? Explain the principle for separation behind column chromatography? [6] c) Explain Liquid chromatography with a neat sketch? [6] P.T.O. Q5) a) What are the advantages of membrane separation processes over [6] conventional separation processes? b) Classify different separation techniques along with examples? [8] c) Explain Pervaporation in detail with a neat sketch? [4] OR Q6) a) b) c) Give a short notes on: [6] i) Micro filtration. ii) Ultra filtration. iii) Reverse osmosis. What are the different types of membranes used in membrane separation processes? [6] Explain Electro dialysis in detail with a neat sketch? [6] SECTION - II Q7) Explain in detail with a neat sketch Atomic absorption spectroscopy? Give its applications? [16] OR Q8) Define NMR spectroscopy? Explain in detail NMR spectroscopy with a neat sketch? Give its applications? [16] Q9) a) Define Adsorption? Give a short notes on Freundlich isotherm? [8] b) Explain the nature of adsorbents used in various adsorption operations? [8] OR Q10)a) List out various industrial adsorbent materials along with their applications? [6] b) Give a brief notes on zeolites? [4] c) Explain the following terms: [6] i) Adsorption potential. ii) Isosters. iii) Adsorption hysterisis. Q11)a) What are the advantages of Reactive Distillation over conventional distillation operation? [9] b) Define thermal diffusion? Explain thermal diffusion with a neat sketch? [9] [3864]-434 2 Q12)a) b) OR Give a short notes on Molecular sieves? Give their application? Explain the following: i) Isothermal chromatography. ii) Reactive extraction. iii) Zone refining. jjj [3864]-434 3 [9] [9]

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