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2003 Course Die & Mould Design (Elective I)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3864] - 195 P 1056 B.E. (Production / SW) DIE AND MOULD DESIGN (2003 Course) (Elective - I) (411122) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) From Section I solve Q.1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4, Q.5 or Q.6, and from Section II solve Q.7 or Q.8, Q.9 or Q.10, Q.11 or Q.12. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of electronic pocket calculator is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Unit - I Q1) a) b) c) Explain with neat sketch planetary roll mill. Explain Hydrostatics Extrusion with its application. How stock is prepared in tube drawing? [6] [6] [4] OR Q2) Write short note on any three : a) Lubricants in Extrusion. b) Wire drawing machines. c) Neutral point and angle of bite. d) Tresc s criterion. [16] Unit - II Q3) a) b) Explain the principle of metal cutting in press tool. And what is the effect of clearance on cutting? [8] How presses are classified on the basis of frame used? Explain with neat diagram. [8] OR Q4) a) b) c) Draw neat sketch of compound die. [6] What is strip layout? Which factors are considered for laying out strip layout? [6] What is press break? [4] P.T.O. Unit - III Q5) Design simple die for the component shown in fig.1 [18] OR Q6) Progressive die design. a) Draw assembly drawing with locating element of a progressive die for the component shown in fig. 2. [8] b) c) Draw strip layout and find out material utilization. Find out cutting force at each station and press tonnage. [5] [5] SECTION - II Unit - IV Q7) a) b) Explain in detail how the stock size is calculated in a impression die forging. [8] Explain briefly the following with neat sketch [8] i) Shot blasting & tumbling process. ii) Isothermal forging. OR [3864] - 195 -2- Q8) a) b) Explain the following forging operation with neat sketch. [8] i) Fullering. ii) Edging. iii) Blocking. iv) Finishing. What is parting line? What are the different factors to be considered while selecting the parting line? [8] Unit - V Q9) Explain with neat sketch (any Three) a) Blow moulding. b) Transfer moulding. c) Compression moulding. d) Injection moulding for thermo setting. [16] OR Q10)a) b) c) Explain different types of core and cavity inserts. And also explain the method of holding it to bolster. [8] What is local insert? And when it will be used? [4] Explain the function of sprue bush and register ring with neat sketch. [4] Unit - VI Q11)Design single impression injection mold for the PVC component shown in figure 7. [18] Fig. 7 : Injection moulding job OR Q12)a) b) Explain different methods of mould cooling in injection moulding.[10] Write short note on CAD application in mould design. [8] [3864] - 195 -3-

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