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2003 Course Machine Tool Design

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1044 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3864]-172 B.E. (Production & Production - S/W) MACHINE TOOL DESIGN (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any three questions from each section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) UNIT - I Design a nine speed gear box for a machine tool having minimum speed 80 rpm, maximum speed is 1200 rpm, speed of motor is 1440 rpm. Draw the best possible structural diagram, ray diagram, speed flow diagram, gear layout. [14] Draw a neat sketch and explain change gear feed drive. OR [6] Q2) a) Make a neat sketch of an Episcyclic speed gear box and show that it is always gives stepless speed within range. [10] b) Discuss the uses of preferred number series for obtaining a wide range of stepped speed in machine tool gearbox. [4] c) Discuss in brief, design considerations of variator. Q3) a) b) [6] UNIT - II Establish the conditions for optimum design criteria in machine tool bed. [7] Explain term static and Dynamic rigidity of machine tool. What are the governing factors which influencing static and Dynamic rigidity of machine tool. [8] OR P.T.O. Q4) a) b) What is the procedure for comparative evaluation of various materials used in machine tool structure by weight? [8] Why stiffness is important considerations in machine tool structure? Explain the different arrangement of stiffeners in machine tools. [7] UNIT - III Q5) a) Explain with necessary mathematical relationship a method of estimating a load on each thread in a power screw. [10] b) Explain the method of calculating a dynamic load in recirculating ball screw. [5] OR Draw profiles for slideways and their combinations used in following machine tools stating the reasons. [8] i) Milling Machine, ii) Drilling Machine, iii) Shaping Machine, iv) Broaching Machine. Q6) a) b) A Ball lead screw having a semi circular profile has the following dimensions [7] Ball Circle radius = 20 mm Pitch = 5 mm Diameter of Ball = 3 mm Assume Ratio of Ball radius to Groove Radius = 1.04 Young Modulus = 2.1 104 N/mm2 Hertz Contact Stress c = 2300 N/mm2 Number of circuit before recirculating = 4 (If A/B = 0.040 for that M = 1.6 depends on A/B) Find Axial load carried by screw, Axial contact deformation. SECTION - II UNIT - IV Q7) a) Sketch typical drill spindle unit using anti friction bearings. Explain how the axial and radial load are resisted. [8] b) Describe different types of bearings employed in machine tools. Give importance of each. [8] [3864]-172 -2- Q8) a) b) OR State and explain the functions of machine tool spindle. What are desirable features of spindle unit? [8] Describe methods for preloading of bearings. [8] UNIT - V Q9) a) What are the sources of vibrations in machine tool? Enumerate methods of reducing vibrations of machine tool. [9] b) What are the function of control system of machine tool? Compare mechanical control system with electrical control system. [9] OR Q10)Write a short note on :[18] a) Various electrical drives and controls used for machine tool. b) Adaptive control system. c) Hydraulic control system of machine tool. UNIT - VI Q11)Write a short note on :- [16] a) Use of Stepper and Servomotor in CNC machine tools. b) Resent trends in machine tool design. c) Use of Matrices in Lay out design. Q12)a) OR State systematically the steps to be followed in converting General purpose machine tool in to a Retrofitted CNC machine. [8] b) Enumerate different methods of micromachine / microfabrication. [8] rrr [3864]-172 -3-

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