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2003 Course Advanced Production Technology (Elective II)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3864] - 185 P 1054 B.E. (Production Engg.) ADVANCED PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY (2003 Course) (Elective - II) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt one question of each unit from Section - I & Section - II. 2) Answer to the questions should be written in separate books. 3) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary. 4) Assume suitable data if required. SECTION - I Unit - I Q1) a) b) What is KANBAN? Explain the frame work of the information system supporting it. [8] Explain the basic frame work of Toyota production system. [8] OR Q2) a) b) Differentiate Toyota production system and other production system.[8] Explain the philosophy of Toyota production system. [8] Unit - II Q3) a) b) What is benchmarking? State the findings with suitable example. [8] What is performance metrics of manufacturing? Explain how performance metrics is prepared. [8] OR Q4) a) b) Explain the role of business process re-engineering in today s manufacturing era. [8] What is SMED? Explain it with suitable example. [8] Unit - III Q5) a) b) What is productivity? Explain different types of factor productivity indices. [9] Explain with suitable example how you will improve the productivity in medium scale industry. [9] OR P.T.O. Q6) a) b) Explain Productivity measurement models. [9] Explain the different advanced techniques for productivity improvements. [9] SECTION - II Unit - IV Q7) a) b) Explain the process interaction approach in simulation. Explain the role of an Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing. [8] [8] OR Q8) a) b) What is mean by expert system? Explain its importance in today s manufacturing era. [8] Explain the different terminology used in simulation and need of simulation. [8] Unit - V Q9) a) b) What is System design? Explain the steps in system design. [9] What is feasibility analysis? Explain the importance of it with suitable example. [9] OR Q10)a) b) Explain the concept of product design based on surface topology, dimensional tolerance, customer references. [9] Explain the concept of functional analysis of design with suitable example. [9] Unit - VI Q11)a) b) Define the technology? Explain different levels of it. [8] State the different factors for surviving the industry in today s globalisation. [8] OR Q12)a) b) Compare technology management with other management. [8] Explain with suitable example the effect of change in technology on [8] industry. [3864] - 185 -2-

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