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2003 Course Manufacturing Automation & Control

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 4 P1142 [3864]-173 B.E. (Production) MANUFACTURING AUTOMATION AND CONTROL (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any three questions from each section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) c) For a 50 kN press tool weigh 5 kN. Calculate the pressure required for pressing operation if bore diameter of cylinder is 30 mm, rod area is 25 mm and counter balance valve is used in circuit. [6] What are the functions of fluid reservoir in hydraulic system? [4] Explain with neat sketch the working of deceleration valve. [8] OR Q2) a) What size of accumulator is necessary to supply 5000 cm3 of fluid in a b) hydraulic system having maximum operating pressure of 200 bar, which drops to minimum 105 bar. Assume adiabatic expansion and compression of gas with pre-charge of accumulator at 70 bar. [6] Explain with neat sketch the pressure reducing valve to maintain fixed pressure difference between inlet and outlet. [6] Explain with neat sketch working of swash plate type axial piston pump. [6] c) P.T.O. Q3) a) A hydraulic cylinder having bore diameter of 180 mm and a rod diameter of 125 mm is connected regeneratively. The flow rate from full bore end on retract is 250 l/min. Calculate the extend speed and extend thrust if maximum pressure is 100 bar. [8] b) Explain with neat sketch the meter out circuit to maintain constant feed rate with variation in load. [8] OR Q4) The pressure flow requirement of a hydraulic system is shown in Fig. 1. Draw the hydraulic circuits and calculate the efficiency of each circuit when using : [16] a) Single fixed displacement pump. b) Single fixed displacement pump with accumulator. c) Two fixed displacement pump. d) Single fixed displacement pump with intensifier. [3864]-173 2 Q5) a) Draw the suitable pneumatic circuit using cascade system to actuate cylinder A , cylinder B and cylinder C as per position step diagram shown in Fig. 2. [10] b) Explain with suitable example the working of twin pressure valve used in pneumatic system. [6] OR Q6) a) How do pneumatic actuators differ from hydraulic actuators? [4] b) Explain with neat sketches working of fluidic AND gate and OR gate.[6] c) Explain with neat sketch the construction and working principle of two stage air compressor. [6] SECTION - II Q7) a) Explain for a microprocessor, the roles of : i) accumulator iii) memory address b) ii) [8] status iv) program counter registers Draw a ladder diagram to turn a red light ON for 2500 ms when a normally open start push button is pushed. The PLC timer tick is 10 ms. A normally stop button resets the system. [8] OR [3864]-173 3 Q8) a) b) Explain with suitable example the use of counters in PLC. Write a program to do following : i) Load number 30 H in register B and 39 H in register C. ii) Subtract 39H from 30H. iii) Display the answer at port1. Q9) a) A PID controller has Kp = 2.0, KI = 2.2 s-1, KD = 2 s. Controller output for zero error is 40%. Plot the controller output for the error shown in figure 3. [12] b) How micro controller does differ from a microprocessor? [8] [8] [4] OR Q10)a) b) Explain with suitable example latch circuit. [8] Specify the four control signals commonly used by 8085 microprocessor. [8] Q11)a) Explain with suitable example the gravity fed magazine, weight operated magazine, and friction fed magazine. [10] Explain various types of work transfer systems. [8] b) OR Q12)Write short notes on : a) FMS layouts. b) Types of robot end effectors. c) Design for automated assembly. vvvv [3864]-173 4 [18]

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