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1997 Course Process Dynamics & Control

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Total No. of Questions :8] P1134 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3864] - 87 B.E.(Chemical) PROCESS DYNAMICS & CONTROL (1997 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any three questions from each section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Explain the functions of feedback control system. [6] b) A mercury thermometer at 25oC is suddenly dipped in boiling water. If time constant of the thermometer is 20 sec, find the temperature reading after 5, 10, 15 & 20 seconds. [6] c) Define: i) Proportional gain of P-controller. ii) PB of P-controller. iii) Reset time of PI- controller. iv) Rate time of PD-controller. v) Dead time. vi) [6] Time constant of thermometer. P.T.O. Q2) a) Starting from differential equation model, derive the transfer function of a first-order system. Also derive the expression for unit-step response of the system. Sketch the response curve. [8] b) What are the interacting and non-interacting liquid tank systems? State H (s ) their transfer functions Q 2i (s ) and sketch the response of height H2 in Q3) a) b) Q4) a) b) tank k for unit step change in input flow rate Qi to the tank j [8] Draw block diagram of feedback control system. Derive the expression for servo and regulator response of the system. [8] 1 A first-order process having transfer function Gp = is controlled s +1 using a P-controller with KC = 5. Assuming Gm = Gf = 1, derive the expression for servo response of the closed-loop system. Also calculate the offset in the value of output. [8] Explain ON-OFF control system. Sketch open-loop and closed-loop response characteristics of the system. What is differential gap in ONOFF control action? State industrial applications of these controllers.[8] A first-order process having transfer function Gp (s) = K s +1 is con- 1 trolled using a PI-controller having GC(s) = KC 1 + s derive the I expression for output servo-response of the closed-loop system. Find the closed- loop servo transfer function and its parameters. Also calculate the offset. [8] SECTION - II Q5) a) A feedback control system has the characteristic equations 4 + 20s 3 + 224s 2 + 1240s + 2400 + K = 0 i) ii) b) [8] Using the Routh array method find the range of values of K for which system will be stable. Also find the value of K which will cause sustained oscillations, along with the corresponding frequency of oscillations. Sketch the root locus plot for a system having forward path transfer function as G (s ) = K . Clearly indicate the break-away point and s (s + 2 )(s + 3) points of intersection of the root locus with imaginary axis. Explain the behaviour of output at these points. [8] [3864]-87 2 Q6) a) What is frequency response of the given process having transfer function Y (s ) G(s) = U(s ) ? How will you represent the frequency response graphically? Indicate the gain margin and phase margin on the frequency response curves. [6] b) Sketch asymptotic Bode plot for a feedback control system having openloop transfer function GH = 3 . s ( + 0.05 s )( + 0.2 s ) 1 1 [10] Determine:i) Gain crossover frequency and corresponding phase margin. ii) Phase crossover frequency and corresponding gain margin. iii) Comment on stability of the system. Q7) a) State transfer function of a PID-controller. What is tuning of PIDcontroller? Explain Cohen-coon method of tuning a PID-controller. [8] b) Explain cascade control scheme for controlling temperature of liquid inside CSTR with jacket fluid temperature as the secondary control variable. State advantages of cascade control over single-loop temperature control. [8] Q8) Write short notes on the following: a) Ratio control. b) Feedforward control. c) Pure capacitive (integral) process. jjj [3864]-87 3 [18]

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