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2003 Course Fuel Cell Technology (Elective II)

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Total No. of Questions :12] P1120 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3864] - 340 B.E.(Chemical) FUEL CELL TECHNOLOGY (2003 Course) (409348) (Elective - II) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Use two separate answer sheets for writing the answers to the two sections. 2) Draw schematics wherever necessary. 3) Assume suitable data,wherever necessary. 4) Write the chemical reactions wherever necessary. 5) All questions are compulsory. SECTION - I Q1) Differentiate among PEM, phosphoric acid, molten carbonate and solid oxide fuel cells, based on their operating conditions and materials of construction of different components. [16] OR Q2) a) Delineate the salient features of hydrogen storage for fuel cell. [8] b) Explain schematically the working principle of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC). [8] Q3) a) In a typical SOFC, current density of 10A/m2 is obtained when pure hydrogen is fed at the pressure of 2 atm. Inside the fuel cell, total pressure of gases on anodic side is observed to be 2.5 atm. The air is supplied at 1.5 atm. The cell is operated at 900oC. The diffusivities of hydrogen, oxygen and water vapor are 95, 70 and 55 C/s.m2.atm. Calculate concentration overpotentials across anode and cathode. [9] b) Calculate fuel utilization factor, air ratio, power output and fuel efficiency of SOFC using the given data. [9] Average current density = 10 A/m2 P.T.O. Active anode surface area = 0.2 m2 Fuel flow rate = 20 mole/hr Fuel composition = hydrogen - 85%, carbon monoxide - 15% Air flow rate = 15 mole/hr Output potential = 220 V Lower heating value of fuel = 30000 kcal/kg. OR Q4) Gibbs free energy for the formation of water vapor is - 54.635 kcal/mole at STP condition. In the typical SOFC, the partial pressures of hydrogen, oxygen and water vapor are 0.9, 0.25 and 0.29 atm respectively. The cell is operated at 850o C. Assuming the activities of the components. Proportional to their partial pressures, calculate: a) Standard open circuit potential. b) Open circuit potential at the operating conditions. Faraday s constant is 96487 J/V.mol. [18] Q5) a) Derive Nernst equation for calculating open circuit potential of SOFC [12] using H2 as a fuel and O2 as an oxidizer. What is the effect of fuel utilization on Nernst potential. [4] b) OR Q6) Write short notes on the following. a) Activation overpotential. b) Limitations of external steam reforming. c) Effect of temperature on SOFC performance. d) Triphase boundary. [16] SECTION - II Q7) a) b) Explain kroger-vink defect structure in solids. [8] Derive the Butler-Volmer form of the charge transfer rates. [8] OR Q8) a) b) Explain reaction mechanism and salient features of oxidative reforming of methane. [8] Explain with neat sketch the SOFC design configurations. [3864]-340 2 [8] Q9) a) Explain the role of limiting reforming factor (steam-to-fuel ratio) in the utilization of hydrocarbons in SOFC. [10] b) Analyze the criteria for the selection of hydrocarbon as a fuel for SOFC. [6] OR Q10)a) b) Explain the role of different components of SOFC. [6] Illustrate and compare between planar and tubular design of SOFC.[10] Q11)Explain the design of typical direct ethanol SOFC considering the following aspects: a) Catalyst b) Structure c) Reactions and d) Exit gas characteristics. [18] OR Q12)a) b) Explain charge transfer chemical reaction mechanism in SOFC. [8] What are the recent advancements in the materials of anode, cathode, electrolyte and interconnect? [10] jjj [3864]-340 3

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