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2003 Course Process Equipment Design - II

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1262 [Total No. of Pages :5 [3864] - 324 B.E. (Chemical) PROCESS EQUIPMENT DESIGN - II (Revised 2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Your answers will be valued as a whole. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) Write short notes on : i) Types of agitators and baffles with neat sketch. ii) Power requirements for agitation. [10] Calculate the diameter of a shaft for an agitation system. H.P. required for agitation is 3 HP and speed of rotation is 36 rpm. Impeller diameter is 65 cm. Torque (max) exerted is 18900 kg. m. While bending moment is 27700 kg-m. Calculate the minimum shaft diameter for shear stress and tensile stress. Permissible shear stress = 400 kg/cm2 Permissible tensile stress = 600 kg/m2 [8] OR Q2) a) A jacketed, agitator reactor consists of a vertical cylinder 1.5m diameter, with a hemispherical base and flat flanged top. The jacket is fitted to be cylindrical section only and extends to a height of 1m. The spacing between the jacket and vessel walls is 75mm. The jacket is fitted with a spiral baffle. The pitch between spirals is 200 mm. The jacket is used to cool the reactor contents. The coolant used is chilled water at 10 C; flow rate 32,500 kg/hr, exit temperature 20 C. Estimate heat transfer coefficient at the outside wall of the reactor and pressure drop through the jacket. P.T.O. Data : physical properties of coolant at mean temp. 15 C = 999 kg/m3 density = 1.136 (MN/m2)s viscosity Pr = 7.99 kf = Thermal conductivity = 595 10 3 W/m C Use if = 3.2 10 3 for pressure drop b) [12] Write note on Limpet coil jacket in reaction vessel with neat sketch. [6] Q3) 6250 kg/hr dry potassium chloride is to be produced in a fluidized bed dryer. Initial moisture content is 10%. While final moisture content is 0.5%. The feed enters the dryer at 20 C. Density of potassium chloride = 2000 kg/m3. Specific heat of potassium chloride = 712 J/kg. k Minimum size of particle = 0.1 mm Maximum size of particle = 0.5 mm Mean size of particle = 0.25 mm Flue gases available at 800 C for drying. The temperature of exhaust flue gases from FBD = 125 C Heat loss can be assumed as 15% Temp. of dry salt at discharge = 125 C Specific heat of flue gases = 1050 J/kg. k Latent heat of vaporization = 2470 J/kg. k Sp. heat of water vapor = 1970 J/kg. k Density of flue gas at std condition = 1.29 kg/m3 Viscosity of flue gas at exit temperature is 0.22 10 3 N.s/m2. Porosity of fluidized bed = 0.70 Porosity of fixed bed = 0.4 Fluidized bed height = 360 mm (approx) [16] OR Q4) a) b) A wet solid is dried from 25 to 10% moisture under constant drying condition in 15 ks (4.17 Hrs). If the critical and equilibrium moisture contents are 15 and 5 percent respectively; how long will it take to dry the solid from 30 to 8 percent moisture under the same conditions? [8] Write short notes on : i) Solvent Drying. ii) Atomisers in spray dryer. [3864]-324 -2- [8] Q5) a) b) Acetone is to be recoverd from agueous waste stream by continuous distillation in sieve plate distillation column. Find the diameter of the column for following conditions. The feed rate = 13000 kg/hr Molar feed rate = 672.9 kmol/hr Vapor rate at top = 55.5 kmol/hr Vapor rate at bottom = 162.3 kmol/hr Slope of bottom operating line = 5.0 Slope of top operating line = 0.57 Top composition 94% mol (98% W/W), Bottom-essentially water Reflux ratio = 1.35 At bottom v = 0.72 kg/m3, L = 954 kg/m3 Liquid surface tension = 57 10 3 N/m At top v = 2.05 kg/m3, L = 753 kg/m3 Liq. surface tension = 23 10 3 N/m Take tray spacing as 0.5m At bottom k1 = 7.5 10 2 At top, k1 = 9.0 10 2 [12] Explain various plate areas in plate distillation column. [4] OR Q6) a) b) Write note on i) Van. Winkle s Correlation. ii) Plate - pressure drop. [10] Give the comparison of plate contactors used in plate distillation column. [6] SECTION - II Q7) a) b) Explain Cornell s method for prediction of height of transfer unit in detail. [9] Explain packing support, liquid distributor, liquid redistributors as the column internals with neat sketch. [9] OR Q8) a) Using Onda s method, find height of transfer unit in packed adsorption column operating at 20 C. [3864]-324 -3- With following data, Pressure = 1.01325 bar, Total concentration CT = 55.6 kmol/m3 Surface tension of liquid L = 70 10 3 N/m at 20 C Molar gas flow rate per unit c/s area Gm = 0.027 kmol/s.m2 Molar liquid flow rate Lm = 0.93 kmol/s.m2 * Vw = 0.79 kg/m2.sec , L*w = 17.6 kg/m2.sec. Packing used are 38 mm Intalox saddle ceramics. a = 194 m2/m3, c for ceramics = 61 10 3 N/m L = 10 3 N. s/m2, v = 0.018 10 3 N. s/m2, L = 1000 kg/m3 v = 1.21 kg/m3, Diffusivity DL = 1.7 10 9 m2/s Dv = 1.45 10 5 m2/s [10] b) Discuss on choices of plats or packings in distillation column for separation. [8] Q9) a) Explain detailed design of decanter with essential equations and neat sketch. [10] b) Explain reflux drum with neat sketch. [6] OR Q10)a) Estimate the dimensions of rectangular oil-water separator for following condition. Max. waste water flow rate = 0.047 m3/sec temp. of operation = 38 C Sp. gravity of waste water = 0.995 Absolute viscosity of wastewater = 0.0007 N.s/m2 Sp. gravity of oil = 0.90 [10] b) Explain principle, constructional features of knock-out drum with neat sketch. [6] Q11)a) b) Describe the design of pipeline for natural gas. [8] Water is flowing through a pipeline at a rate of 1 kg/sec. The internal diameter of the pipeline is 25mm and the length of pipeline is 2200m. Estimate the pressure drop in the pipeline. Data : Density of water = 1000 kg/m3 Viscosity of water = 0.001 N.s/m2 [8] OR [3864]-324 -4- Q12)a) Write notes on : [10] i) ii) b) Pipe thickness and diameter. Pipe supports. Discuss on fluid dynamics parameters in pipeline design. kbkb [3864]-324 -5- [6]

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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