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2003 Course Environmental Eng. (Elective I)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages :4 [3864] - 325 B.E. (Chemical) ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (2003 Course) (Elective - I) P1263 Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Your answers will be valued as a whole. Use of logarithmic tables, slide ruler, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) c) d) Q2) a) b) c) Compare the conventional and high efficiency cyclones in terms of efficiency and dimensions. [4] State three adverse effects of population growth on environment. [3] Write expressions for the following. [3] i) Relationship between PPM and Volume concentration of pollutant. ii) Mass - volume concentration. Water is used in a spray chamber to treat standard air containing particles with a density of 1000 kg /m3 . The flow rate of air is 120 m3 /min and that of water is 0.3 m3 / min. The average drop size is 1000 m. The spray chamber has a diameter of 1m and a height of 3m. What is the overall collection efficiency of chamber if the average particle size is 2.5 m. The individual drop collection efficiency and the terminal velocity of drop are 9.0 % and 3.82 m/s respectively. [8] OR Classify air pollutants according to the source types. [6] Give the source and harmful effects on the human health on the particulate [6] pollution created by lead, nickel and mercury. Discuss source correction methods for control of pollution with suitable example. [6] P.T.O. Q3) a) What are the sources and the ambient air quality standard for NOX pollution. [2] b) Discuss how NOX emission is controlled in the combustion operation by the following means : [8] i) ii) Two stage combustion. iii) Flue gas circulation. iv) Injection of water and steam. i) Draw neat figure of settling chamber. ii) c) Low excess air. Write an expression to calculate the minimum particle size (dp min) that can be removed with 100% efficiency, explaining the notations. [3] [3] OR Q4) a) List and compare different particulate emission control techniques. [6] b) With neat sketches explain the working principle and equation of efficiency for. [10] i) Electrostatic precipitator. ii) Ventury scrubber. Q5) Before the installation of an ESP, the stack gas of a power plant contained 6.0 gm particulates per m3 of gas. The gas flow rate is 350 m3 / min and the new precipitator can move 2500 kg particulates per day. [16] a) What is the emission rate of particulates before and after pollution control in kg /day. b) What is the efficiency of the ESP. c) Will the new system meet an emission standard of 0.7 gm / m3. OR Q6) A venturi scrubber is used to collect open hearth steel furnace fumes. The gas pressure drop is 50 cm of water gauge and the scrubber water pressure drop is 1 atm. The gas flow rate is 1500 m3 / min and the water flow rate is 5000 lit / min estimate the fume collection efficiency of the scrubber. [16] [3864] - 325 -2- SECTION - II Q7) a) Discuss how least squares method can be used to calculate the BOD constants for waste water. [8] b) The following BOD results are obtained on a sample of untreated waste water at 20 oC [8] t (days) 2 4 6 8 10 BOD, mg/l 11 18 22 24 26 i) Plot BOD Curve. ii) Compute the reaction constant K and the ultimate first stage BOD using least square method. OR Q8) a) Define and explain the significance of the following parameters in activated sludge process. [12] i) ii) Hydraulic retention time. iv) Mean cell residence time. v) Recycle ratio. vi) Q9) a) b) Food to mass ratio (F/M). iii) b) Volumetric loading rate (VL). Mixed liquor suspended ratio. Discuss how process control is carried out in activated sludge process.[4] What are nine categories of water pollutant discuss in brief. Explain primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of waste water. [8] [8] OR Q10)Write short notes on : [16] a) Oxygen sag curve and critical oxygen deficit. b) Trickling filters. c) Nitrogen removal in waste water treatment. d) Chemical oxidation in disinfection of waste water. [3864] - 325 -3- Q11)A large stream has a rate of deoxigenation K1 = 0.23 d-1 and the rate of reaeration K2 = 0.55d-1. The dissolved oxygen (DO) deficit of the mixture of stream water and waste water at the point of reference, DO is 4.0 mg/L and the ultimate BOD of the waste water, Lu is 75 mg/L Calculate: [18] a) Do deficit at a point one day distant from the point of reference. b) Critical time. c) Critical deficit. OR Q12)Write short notes on (any 3): a) Sludge treatment & disposal. b) Membrane separation. c) Incineration process in solid waste treatment. d) Ion-exchange process in tertiary treatment of waste water. ***** [3864] - 325 -4- [18]

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