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2003 Course Materials Hand. Tech. & Equip. Design (Elective I)

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Total No. of Questions :12] P1048 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3864]-178 B.E. (Production & Industrial Engg.) MATERIAL HANDLING TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT DESIGN (2003 Course) (Elective -I) (411085) (Theory) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Answer three questions from each section. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of logarithmic table, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Unit - I Q1) a) Explain various steps (approach) for solving material handling problem. [8] b) Explain basic storage methods and equipments used for storing. [8] OR Explain Unite load concept. What are the different types of material handling equipment which can handle a unit load. [8] Q2) a) b) Explain various factors are to be considered while selecting [8] Unit - II Q3) a) b) Explain various principles of material handling. [8] Explain Area restricted M.H. Equipments and state their applications. P.T.O. OR Q4) a) b) Explain unrestricted type of material handling system. [8] [8] Explain the gravity principle of material handling system with illustration. [8] Unit - III Q5) a) Explain Kwo s principle in the design of closed loop recirculating conveyor system with one loading station and one unloading station. [10] b) Explain drag and flight conveyor system with neat sketch. State their applications. [8] OR Q6) Write short notes on: [18] a) Chutes b) Industrial trucks. c) Types of crane. SECTION - II Unit -IV Q7) a) Explain the different factors are to be consider during automation in material handling system. [8] b) Explain the applications of actuators used in material handling system. [8] Q8) a) b) OR Explain robot assisted material handling system. [8] Explain hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical drive used to operate material handling system. [8] Unit -V Q9) a) An automated guide vehicle system has an average travel distance per delivery = 500 ft. and average empty travel distance = 300 ft. The system must take a total of 75 deliveries/h. The load and unload times are both 0.5 min. and the speed of the vechicles = 150 ft/min. The [3864]-178 -2- traffic factor for the system = 0.85. [8] Determine i) The average total time per delivery, The handling system efficiency and the average number of deliveries per hour for a vehicle. ii) How many vehicles are required to satisfy the 75 deliveries/h. b) Explain various types of AS/RS system. [8] OR Q10) a) The operation of unit load AS/RS that uses on S/R machines for each aisle of the system. The length of the storage aisle is 400 ft. and its height is 100 ft. The horizontal and vertical speeds of the S/R machines are 250 ft/min. and 80 ft/min. respectively. The S/R machine requires 0.6 min. to accomplish a P&D operation. Determine the single command and duel command cycle times for the storage system. [8] b) Explain vehicle guidance technology of AGV S. [8] Unit -VI Q11) a) What are the safety precautions to be taken during operating material handling equipment? [6] b) What is machine vision system? Explain how it can be used in material handling system. [6] c) Explain role of computer in different areas of material handling system. [6] OR Q12) Write short notes on: a) ADC technology. [18] b) Bar code printing technology. c) Productivity improvement with the help of material handling. nnn [3864]-178 -3-

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