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1997 Course Computer Techniques

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Total No. of Questions :10] [Total No. of Pages : 2 P1133 [3864] - 68 B.E. (Ind. Electronics) COMPUTER TECHNIQUES (1997) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any three questions from each section. 2) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) What are the advantages of parallel processing over sequential processing? How can parallelism be implemented in uniprocessors? State applications of parallel processing. [18] Q2) Draw block diagram of array processors & explain it. Give examples & applications of array processors. [16] Q3) Describe the types of topologies used in computer networks & compare them based on speed, complexity, cost etc. [16] Q4) What is CSMA/CD? Describe it in detail. [16] Q5) Write notes on (any two): [16] a) Error control techniques in computer networks. b) Wireless LAN 802.11. c) Computer viruses. P.T.O. SECTION - II Q6) Elaborate in detail, any one mobile telephone system. [18] Q7) Draw & explain cryptography model. Explain any one cryptography standard. [16] Q8) a) Draw & explain system architecture & file system of unix. b) List & explain any eight commands in unix. [16] Q9) a) Explain program development cycle of software engineering. b) Explain the memory management techniques used in unix/linux. [16] Q10)Write notes on (any two): [16] a) Data compression techniques. b) ISO-OSI model. c) Typical mother board. jjj [3864]-68 2

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