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2003 Course Process Economics & Project Engineering

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1097 [Total No. of Pages : 5 [3864]-370 B.E. (Petrochemical Engineering) PROCESS ECONOMICS AND PROJECT ENGINEERING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any 3 questions from each Section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) Answer the following: [18] a) What is meant by capitalized cost? Where is it used? b) A storage tank was priced at Rs. 1,75,000 in 1998 when the cost index was 460. What is its value today when the cost index is 850? c) List the factors to be considered in the evaluation of capital requirements for a process plant. d) Discuss incremental costs for economic analysis. OR Q2) a) Draw a break-even chart and write the advantages of Break-even chart on managerial decision. [8] b) A pump installation costing Rs.80,000 has a salvage value of Rs.4000. It requires Rs. 2000 for its annual maintenance. If the value of the money is 10% and the pump has a life of 3 years, what is the present worth of service rendered by the pump? What is the capitalized assuming perpetual operation? [10] Q3) a) b) Q4) a) Discuss in detail the various components of a balance sheet and the economic ratios and their significance. [8] Discuss the tree diagram showing cash flow for industrial operations.[8] OR Two projects A and B have initial capital investment of Rs. 10,00,000 each the cash-inflows of the two projects are as under: P.T.O. b) Q5) a) b) Cash in flows Year Project A Project B 1 Rs.4,00,000 Rs.2,50,000 2 Rs.5,00,000 Rs.3,50,000 3 Rs.1,00,000 Rs.2,50,000 4 Rs.25,000 Rs.1,50,000 5 Rs.25,000 Rs.2,00,000 6 Rs.20,000 Rs.1,75,000 Choose one out of the two projects or the basis of Pay-Back period method of evaluation. Comment on the limitation of Pay-Back period method? [10] Discuss with suitable example(s) the factors affecting investment and production cost of typical refinery project. [6] Estimate the manufacturing cost per 100 kg of product under the following conditions: [8] Fixed Capital Investment = Rs 10 million Raw material cost = Rs. 1/kg of product Annual production output = 10 million kg product Utilities: 800-kPa steam = 50 kg/kg of steam Purchased electric power = 0.9 kWh/kg of product Filtered and softened water = 0.055 m3/kg of product Operating labor = 12 persons per shift at Rs.25 per employee per hour Plant operates three hundred 24 hour days per year Corrosive liquids are involved Shipments are in bulk carload lots A large amount of direct supervision is required There is no patent, royalty, interest, or rent charges Plant overhead costs amount to 50 percent of the cost for operating labor, supervision, and maintenance Company X is considering the Projects that have the following costs: (All costs are in Rupees) Item Project A Project B First cost 3,50,000 2,80,000 Annual Operating Costs 55,000 42,000 Salvage Value 15,000 12,000 Life, years 3 6 Using money worth 15% per year, determine which alternative should be selected on the basis of a present worth analysis. [8] OR [3864]-370 2 Q6) The following proposals are under consideration: Proposal A B C D E Initial 5,50,000 4,30,000 5,20,000 5,00,000 5,50,000 outlay, Rs. Annual cash 70,000 60,000 50,000 45,000 95,000 flow, Rs. Life, years 10 6 7 9 12 Rank these proposals a) In the order of profitability after payback period, and b) Net present value method assuming an interest rate of 10%. [16] SECTION - II Q7) You are employed by a Petrochemical company looking to set up an Ethylene oxide and Glycol manufacturing plant. This will involve the impact of ethylene and oxygen from neighboring plants located close by. The ethylene oxide will be produced and fed to an adjacent plant to manufacture ethylene glycol. The glycol will be exported to a tank farm nearby pipeline for in another adjacent plant. The engineering technology used is basically that commonly found in the petrochemical industry where large quantities of flammable liquids and gases are continuously processed. The plant operations will be in the principal plant sections: 1. Reaction of ethylene and oxygen to produce ethylene oxide. 2. Reaction of ethylene oxide with water to produce ethylene glycol. 3. Distillation section to separate the various grades of ethylene glycol. 4. Ethylene oxide storage (as liquefied gas under pressure) 5. Laboratory. 6. Workshop and offices. The site that the company has in mind is in one of MIDC area, near Mumbai that is ringed by an area designated for housing at a distance of 1.5km. Based on above information, answer the following questions: a) What are the main types of environmental impact that the site has potential to generate, and what would be the most likely sources of that impact? b) Outline in brief how you would identify the health hazards to plant operating personnel. [18] OR [3864]-370 3 Q8) a) b) Q9) a) Explain in brief the plant-design project stages with suitable example?[8] Make a proforma for the specifications for Distillation column. [10] Discuss important utilities required in a typical petrochemical complex/ refinery unit. [8] b) Discuss in brief the following safety terms: [8] i) Flash and Smoke Point ii) Fault tree analysis iii) Trip and interlock system iv) HAZOP and HAZAN OR Q10)a) Give any Six standard symbols for equipment and brief description of the equipment. [6] b) Discuss in various types of valves with neat sketch used in Petrochemical Industries. Draw the symbols used in P & ID s [10] Q11)Consider the construction project of ABC Petrochemical company Ltd., for a boiler house described in the table below: Task Precedence Duration (Working days) A Construct floor slabs 8 B Erect boiler house frame A 21 C Construct chimney base A 3 D Erect precast chimney C 6 A 6 E Construct boiler bases F Position boilers E 2 A 4 G Construct pump bases H Construct oil tank piers A 3 I Position oil tanks H 1 J Construct oil line trenches A 5 K Position pumps G 1 L Install roof decking B,D,F 8 M Erect structures for Chimney D 3 flue and vent N Erect flue headers D,F 3 O Brick out and fit burners D,F 6 P Fit boiler mountings and F 2 control Q Install oil lines F,I,J 10 R Install pipe system F,K,L 25 R 2 S Test pipe system T Install plant wiring M,O,P,Q,S 20 U Commission boiler house N,T 1 [3864]-370 4 a) b) Find and list the tasks on the critical path (show all working). What is its length? OR Q12)Write short notes on: a) b) c) [16] Plot plan and equipment layout. Engineering flow diagram and Piping and Instrumentation Diagram. Selection of MOC in Petrochemical and Refinery plants. E [3864]-370 [16] E 5 E

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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