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2003 Course Refinery Process Design

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Total No. of Questions : 8] P1291 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3864]-368 B.E. (Petrochemical) REFINERY PROCESS DESIGN (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Attempt any three questions from each section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Use of steam tables and electronic calculator is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data wherever necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Discuss an algorithm for calculating dew point and bubble point in context of hydrocarbon mixtures. [8] b) Write in detail on meaning, procedure and utility of TBP, ASTM and EFV curves. [10] Q2) Describe a suitable design procedure for design of tower for distillation of a multicomponent mixture. [16] Q3) What are Packie Charts? Discuss how they can be used for the design of Atmospheric Distillation Unit. [16] Q4) Write notes : a) Use of Partial Condenser. [5] b) Role of Side-stripper. [5] c) Overflash. [6] P.T.O. SECTION - II Q5) Differentiate between rating and design problems. Give a detailed procedure for rating of an existing heat exchanger in a refinery. [16] Q6) Write a detailed note on need for and a procedure of Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis in a refinery. [18] Q7) Discuss, with help of Perry s guidelines, how an absorption tower for [16] multicomponent absorption can be designed. Q8) Write a detailed note on fired heaters with reference to the following points. a) Heat load calculations. [4] b) Constructional Features. [6] c) Estimate of number of tubes in a box furnace. [6] rrrr [3864]-368 -2-

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