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2003 Course Fiber Technology (Elective)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3864] - 393 P 1286 B.E. (Polymer) FIBER TECHNOLOGY (Backlog) (2003 Course) (Elective) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to Section I and Section II should be written on separate answer book. 2) Solve 3 questions from Section I and 3 questions from Section II. 3) Neat diagrams should be drawn whenever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. 6) Use of electronic pocket calculator is allowed. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) c) Comment about molecular requirements of fiber forming polymers. [8] Write a short note on High Speed Spinning process in fiber manufacture. [5] Enlist advantages and drawbacks of synthetic fibers over natural fibers.[5] OR Q2) a) b) c) Explain the terms - Yarn, Filament, Tex, Denier, Tenacity, Staple fiber.[6] Write a short note on Melt Spinning process to manufacture fiber. [8] Comment on Effect of Spinning Speed on Morphology of fiber. [4] Q3) a) b) c) What are the various sources of natural and synthetic fibers? [6] What are the drawbacks of DEG presence in PET polymers? [4] What are the raw materials used to synthesize aromatic polyamide PPTA [2] (Kevlar )? Explain in brief Catalysts used in synthesis of PET by transesterification route. [4] d) OR Q4) a) b) c) d) What are the raw materials for obtaining PET and PBT fibers? [4] Explain how Viscose Rayon is obtained. [4] Enlist the factors which contribute to DEG formation in PET synthesis. [4] Comment on advantages and disadvantages of Integrated Continuous process used to synthesize Nylon6 polymer for fiber spinning application. [4] P.T.O. Q5) a) b) c) d) What are the functions of Spin finish used in fiber spinning operation?[3] With neat diagram explain the Dipping Roller Method used for Spin finish application. [6] Why is it necessary to carry out stretching or drawing of fibers? [2] Explain in detail Sequential Draw Texturing Process. [5] OR Q6) a) b) c) d) Q7) a) b) c) What are the chemical constituents of Spin finish? Explain in brief the effect of Spin finish on dyeing. Enlist various Drawing Conditions in fiber drawing stage. Explain in detail Stuffer Box Texturing Process. [5] [3] [3] [5] SECTION - II Explain in details the production of Filament Yarn and Staple Yarn. [10] Comment about the significance of heat setting. Explain how it is carried out. [6] Name two methods of identification and analysis of fibers. [2] OR Q8) a) b) c) Q9) a) b) What do you understand by Staple Fibers? Explain in detail Direct Spinning process for staple fiber production. [8] Explain the structural changes taking place during spinning, drawing and heat setting operation during fiber manufacture. [5] Explain 3-phase model of fiber structure. [5] Why it is difficult to dye polyester fibers? Enlist various techniques used to dye polyester fibers. Explain any one in detail. [8] Write short notes on Thermosol Process and High Temperature dyeing.[8] OR Q10)a) b) c) Explain in detail Mass Colouration fibers alongwith its advantages, disadvantages as well as enlist various methods of mass colouration.[8] Write a short note on Dyeability of Synthetic Fibers . [5] Why are PP fibers difficult to dye? [3] [3864] - 393 -2- Q11)a) b) c) What causes necessity to modify synthetic fibers? Explain in brief Low Pilling Polyester . [6] Write a short note on Flame Retardants used in Fibers . [6] What are the advantages of bicomponent acrylic fibers. [4] OR Q12)a) b) c) How hydrophilic acrylic fibers are prepared? Write a short note on Optical Fibers . Briefly explain Fibers obtained by Nanotechnology. [3864] - 393 -3- [6] [5] [5]

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