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2003 Course Surface Coating & Adhesives

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Total No. of Questions : 6] P1315 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3864]-387 B.E. (Polymer Engineering) SURFACE COATING AND ADHESIVES (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. SECTION - I Q1) a) Define paint. Enlist various types of paints and their intended applications. [8] b) Explain the role of thinners and solvents used in paints. [9] OR a) What do you understand by short oil and long oil paints? b) Write a note on driers in paint. [9] a) Discuss marine paints in detail. Give its distinct features. [8] b) Discuss water based paints with their properties and applications. Q2) [8] [9] OR a) Compare paints, enamels, varnishes and lacquers. b) Write a note on surface treatment for application of paints. Q3) [8] [9] a) Discuss the test to study the impact performance of a paint film. [8] b) Enlist various chemicals in paint industry and their health hazards. [8] OR a) How will you correlate the mechanical properties and applications of paint? [8] b) Discuss the tests to study the gloss of a paint film. [8] P.T.O. SECTION - II Q4) a) Explain adhesion. Explain the basic requirements for a material to show adhesive properties. [8] b) Write a note on surface energetics and wettability. [9] OR a) Explain the importance of surface preparation in adhesion process with any one method. [8] b) What are the guidelines for good adhesion? Write a note on advantages [9] and disadvantages of adhesives. Q5) a) Write a note on any one type of adhesive. [8] b) Explain health and safety factors involved in adhesive industry. [9] OR a) Explain the manufacture of electrometric modified adhesives. [8] b) Write a note on advantages of synthetic adhesives over natural ones.[9] Q6) a) Explain any two ASTM testing standards in adhesive manufacture. [8] b) Discuss the manufacturing of any two adhesives. [8] OR a) Explain the criteria for selection of an adhesive for particular application. [8] b) Explain the role of various types of joints used in adhesion. rrrr [3864]-387 -2- [8]

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