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2003 Course Polymer Composites & Blends

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 3 P1099 [3864] - 383 B.E. (Polymer Engineering) POLYMER COMPOSITES AND BLENDS (2003 Course) (409363) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 2) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 3) Numbers to the right indicate full marks. 4) Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5) Use of logarithmic table, electronic pocket calculators is allowed. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) Discuss Toughening of polymers via polymer blend technology with two examples. [10] Discuss any two methods of polymer blend preparation. [8] OR Q2) a) Discuss in detail the Property relationships of a blend with its components with suitable property response curve. [8] b) Draw and explain in detail the schematic representation of the steps to be taken when developing polymer alloys and blends with a specified set of desired performance characteristics. [10] Q3) a) b) Write a note on Polymer Blend Morphology. [8] Distinguish between Coupling agent Vs Compatibilizer. [8] OR Q4) a) b) Write a note on Thermodynamics in polymer blend technology. [10] Discuss with one example the role of Maleic Anhydride grafted polymers in blend Technology. [6] P.T.O. Q5) a) b) Write a note on Rheology of Polymer blends. [8] Explain the followings: [8] i) Semi-IPN ii) Sequential-IPN. OR Q6) Write a note on the followings: a) Toughened PA6. b) Engineering Polymer Blends. c) Interpenetrating Polymer Network. d) Commercial Blends of PP. [16] SECTION - II Q7) a) What are Initiators and Accelerators and list different Initiators and Accelerators used for Unsaturated polyester along with different parameters used for the same? [10] b) Explain the neat sketch of Carbon Fiber manufacturing process. Give the comparison between Carbon Fibers and Glass Fibers. [6] OR Q8) a) Discuss the classification of Glass Reinforcement on the basis of applications. [4] b) Explain the following Unsaturated Polyester resins: Heat Resistance, Low Shrinkage and Flame Retardant Unsaturated Polyester Resins. [12] Q9) a) Explain Resin Transfer molding process with neat sketch along with the two products manufactured by the same. [8] b) What is pressure bag forming process and differentiate between Vacuum bag Forming and Pressure bag Forming. List any four parameters of Vacuum bag Forming Process. [8] c) Give the name of FRP processes by which products like profile, cladding sheet are manufactured. [2] OR Q10)a) Discuss different types of windings used in filament winding along with neat diagrams and significances. [8] b) Give the name of FRP processes by which products like Bath Tub, Wind Mill, Sliding used in water park, Automotive car body are manufactured. [4] [3864]-383 2 c) Q11)a) b) Q12)a) b) List any four parameters for the pultrusion process and explain the effect of same parameters on properties of pultrusion technique products. [6] Trouble shooting in Hand Lay Up Technique. [8] State the repair techniques used in composite? Explain with neat diagram the repairs technique used for opening accessing from both side in composites. [8] OR Write a note on Nanocomposites with one example. Why silicates are used in Nanocomposites as filler. [10] Explain the repair of composite for small Impact fracture. [6] jjj [3864]-383 3

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