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2003 Course Mould & Die Design

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 4 P1268 [3864]-384 B.E. (Polymer) MOLD AND DIE DESIGN (2003 Course) Time : 4 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Assume suitable data, if necessary. Numbers to right indicate full marks. Use of log tables, electronic pocket calculators is allowed. SECTION - I Q1) Design and draw plan view and sectional side view to bring out the details of feed system, ejection system and cooling system for a two cavity two plate mold for the component shown in fig.1. [35] Material : ABS; Shrinkage : 0.5%; Cavity pressure : 200kg/cm2. OR Q2) Design and draw plan view and sectional side view to bring out the details of feed system, ejection system and cooling system for a two cavity underfed mold for the component shown in fig.2. [35] Material : HIPS; Shrinkage : 0.5%; Cavity pressure : 180kg/cm2. Q3) Calculate the size of runners and gate. Also calculate the size of guide pillar for mold designed in Q.1 or Q.2. [5] OR Q4) Calculate size of cavity and core inserts for mold designed in Q.1 or Q.2.[5] Q5) Explain with neat sketches, the opening sequence for a split cavity mold with stripper plate ejection. [10] OR Q6) Write a note on split safety and split guiding mechanism used in split cavity molds. [10] P.T.O. SECTION - II Q7) a) Draw a neat sketch of rectangular hot runner manifold block, label the parts and explain its construction in details. [6] b) Explain the construction of any 2 secondary nozzles used in hot runner molds with a neat sketch. [6] o o c) A manifold block is to be heated from 30 C to 230 C. Calculate expansion between centres of secondary nozzles which are situated 635mm in x direction and 350 mm in y direction. Coefficient of thermal expansion for steel = 13 10 6 mm/mmoC. [4] OR Q8) a) Explain various heating techniques used to raise the temperature of a hot runner manifold block. Draw neat sketches to explain. [6] b) Write down advantages and disadvantages of hot runner molds. List few applications of hot runner molds. [6] c) A manifold block of 350 mm 350 mm 60 mm is to be heated by using 4 cartridge heaters. If the loading value is 2W/cm3, calculate wattage of a single cartridge heater. [4] Q9) a) Explain with neat sketches any three milling operations. [6] b) A carbide milling cutter 250 mm in diameter is used to cut a block of mild steel with a plain cutter. The block is 500 mm long. If the feed is 0.5 mm per revolution and depth of cut is 1.5 mm, determine the time required to take one cut. The over travel is 20 mm, cutting speed is 80 m/min.[6] c) Write a note on steels used in making of injection molds. [4] OR Q10) a) Write down the process sheet for guide pillar for mold designed in Q.1 or Q.2. [4] b) Explain with neat sketches different elements of plain milling cutter. [6] c) With a neat sketch, explain the process of EDM. Write down the requirements of the dielectric fluid. [6] Q11) a) Draw a neat sketch of an inline or cross head pipe die. Explain in short [12] functions of the major parts. b) Write down the mathematical formulae to estimate the pressure drop due to shear and elongation in a coni-cylindrical die. [6] OR Q12) a) Draw a neat sketch of a centre fed blown film die. [8] b) Find pressure drop through the exit region of the die shown in fig.3. Calculate the bubble dimensions assuming no inflation or draw down Q = extruder output = 95 10 6 m3/s = 2.4 105 N/m2 ; = 2.24 105 pa - s rR = 5.5. Material : LDPE n = 0.33 [10] [3864]-384 2 [3864]-384 3 xxxx [3864]-384 4

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