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2003 Course Voice Networks

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Total No. of Questions :12] P1146 Time : 3 Hours] [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3864]-262 B.E.(E&TC) VOICE NETWORKS (2003 Course)(404215) [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer three questions from Section I and three questions from Section II. 2) Attempt not more than six questions of which at least three questions must be from each Section. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 5) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 6) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 7) Assume suitable data, if necessary. Q1) a) b) c) SECTION-I Explain in detail various subscriber loop signaling systems used in Telephone Switching. [8] Describe role of redundancy in Stored Program Control Electronics Switching systems. How it is achieved in its different configuration? [6] Enlist four distinct points between Single stage and Multistage network. [4] OR Q2) a) b) c) Describe with necessary diagram the working of Time multiplexed space switch. Calculate the number of trunks that can be supported on a time multiplexed space Switch, given that i) 64 channels are multiplexed in each stream. ii) Control memory access time is 50 ns. iii) Bus switching and transfer time is 50 ns per transfer. [8] List at least six differences between the postal and telephone systems and bring out the analogy between S&F and circuit switched connections. [6] What are the differences between common control and direct control? [4] P.T.O. Q3) a) b) Explain typical traffic distribution for central processors and peripheral processors. [8] A call processor in an exchange requires 100 ms to service a complete call. What is the BHCA rating for the processor ? If the exchange is capable of carrying 800 E of traffic, what is the call completion rate? Assume an average call holding time of three minutes. [8] OR Q4) a) Explain the Service Level for telecommunication traffic. How Traffic usage is defined ? [8] b) State and explain Erlang B and Poisson s formula. A trunk accumulated 0.75 Erlangs of usage while 9 calls were carried in a hour with no overflow. What is the average holding time per call in seconds, CCS and Erlangs? [8] Q5) a) b) Describe in detail transmission structure of ISDN. [8] Draw ISDN reference points and Functional groupings model and explain user network interface. [8] OR Q6) a) b) Explain in detail the architecture of ISDN and its objectives. [8] With the help of neat sketches explain different services supported by [8] ISDN. SECTION-II Q7) a) With the help of neat block diagram explain GSM architecture and its evolution. [6] b) c) Explain different interference reducing mechanism in GSM. [6] Enlist Speech Codec attributes and describe Half Rate and Full Rate codec used in GSM. [6] OR Explain with the flow diagram and various channel association to originate [6] a call in GSM network. Q8) a) b) Describe in detail various techniques in GSM to enhance spectral efficiency. [6] c) Explain various data services in GSM system. [3864]-262 2 [6] Q9) a) b) With the help of neat diagram describe DSSS system transmitter. Calculate the processing gain for a DSSS system that has a 15 Mega chips per second (Mcps) code clock rate and 9.6-kbps information rate. How much improvement in the processing gain will be achieved if the code generation rate is changed to 60Mcps? [8] Describe various Logical Channels in CDMA. [8] OR Q10)a) Compare GSM &IS-95 CDMA architecture w.r.t following parameters: i) Frequency Band ii)Channel Bandwidth iii) v) Voice Quality Handoff iv)Interference vi)System capacity vii) Radio interface viii)Economics [8] b) Q11)a) b) Explain Walsh Code and how it is incorporated in CDMA. [8] Describe Real time protocols used in VoIP. Describe in detail MEGACO/H.248 Protocol. [8] [8] OR Q12)a) b) Define VoIP? Draw and explain the various elements of Voice over IP [8] network. Explain the architecture of Session Initiation Protocol and SIP session setup. [8] zzzz [3864]-262 3

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