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2003 Course Digital Signal Processing (Elective II)

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Total No. of Questions :12] P1067 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3864]-235 B.E. (Electrical) DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (2003 Course) (Elective - II) (Sem. - II) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Answer any three questions from each section. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Explain the following terms related to discrete signals. i) Energy and power signals. ii) Periodic and non-periodic signals. iii) Even and odd signals. b) Determine auto-correlation of following signal. i) x(n) = 2n for -3 n 0. ii) x(n) = n2 for 0 n 3. Q2) a) OR Explain the following terms related to discrete time system. i) [9] [9] Shift invariant and shift variant system. ii) [9] Causal and non-causal systems. iii) Stable and unstable system. P.T.O. b) Compute convolution of following LTI system using tabulation method. [9] i) x(n) = 2n for -3 n 0, otherwise x(n) = 0 h(n) = 1 for 0 n 3, otherwise h(n) = 0 ii) x(n) = n2 for 0 n 3, otherwise x(n) = 0 h(n) = 1 for -3 n 0, otherwise x(n) = 0 Q3) a) b) Explain the partial fraction method for inverse z-transform. [6] Determine the z-transform of following discrete time signal with ROC. [10] i) x(n) = an cos ( on) u(n) ii) x(n) = an sin ( on) u(n) OR Q4) a) b) How the causality and stability of discrete time system is determined in terms of z-transforms. [6] The system function of the LTI system is given by H(z) = (3 4 z ) 1 1 3.5 z 1 + 1.5 z 2 [10] . Specify the ROC of H(z) and determine unit sample response of h(n) for stable condition. Q5) a) Explain computational complexity of DIT-FFT algorithm as compared to direct computation of DFT. [8] b) Compute 4-point DFT of following sequence using matrix method x(n) = {0101} [8] Q6) a) b) OR Explain Goertzel algorithm for DFT calculation. [8] Draw the signal flow graph of Radix-2 DIF-FFT algorithm for N= 8. [8] [3864]-235 -2- SECTION - II Q7) a) b) Explain direct form-I realization of IIR filter. The system function of an analog filter is given by Ha( s ) = [8] [10] s + 0.1 . ( s + 0.1) + 16 Obtain the system function of the digital filter using bilinear transformation which is resonant at r = 2 . OR Q8) a) Explain FIR filter design using rectangular window. [9] b) Explain design of IIR filter using Bilinear transformation method. [9] Q9) a) b) What are the desirable features of DSP processor? [8] Compare digital signal processor with general purpose microprocessor. [8] OR Q10) a) Explain Harvard and Modified Harvard architecture of digital signal processor. [8] b) Explain the functions of DAG and barrel shifter in digital signal processor. [8] Q11) a) Explain how the DFT is suitable for extraction of harmonics from a given signal. [8] b) Explain induction motor control using DSP with neat block diagram. [8] OR Q12) a) Explain power spectrum analysis using DSP. b) Explain vibration analysis in machines using DSP. nnn [3864]-235 -3- [8] [8]

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