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2003 Course Advanced Communication Engineering

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1518 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3864]-248 B.E. (Electronics) ADVANCED COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Explain microwave characteristics. [4] b) Discuss-Tee junctions, E-plane tees (series tee), H-plane tee (shunt tee), Magic Tees (Hybrid Tees), Hybrid Rings (Rat-Race circuits), waveguide corners, Bends and Twists. [14] OR Q2) a) Show that the TM01 and TM10 modes in a rectangular waveguide do not exist. [6] b) What is Q factor of cavity resonator? [4] c) Discuss in detail the types of cavity resonators. [8] Q3) a) A silicon n-p-n transistor operates in common-base mode at 300oK and has the following parameters : [10] Silicon intrinsic density : Acceptor density in base region : Donor density in emitter region : Hole lifetime : Electron lifetime : Cross section : Base width : Emitter length : ni = 1.5* 1010 cm 3 Na = 5* 1016 cm 3 Nd = 5* 1018 cm 3 p = 1 s n = 1 s A = 10 4 cm2 W = 10 3 cm LE = 10 2 cm P.T.O. Determine : i) ii) iii) iv) v) The mobilities n and p. The diffusion coefficients Dn and Dp. The emitter efficiency factor . The transport factor . The current gain . b) Write a note on types of Diodes. [6] OR Q4) a) For a transit time domain mode, the domain velocity is equal to the carrier drift velocity and is about 107 cm/s. Determine the drift length of the diode at a frequency of 8GHz. [4] b) An IMPATT diode has a drift length of 2 m. determine : i) ii) [4] The drift time of the carriers and The operating frequency of the IMPATT diode. c) Discuss principle of operation of BJT. Q5) a) What are the types of tracking Radar Systems? b) Explain conical scan tracking. [8] [6] [4] c) What should be the pulse repetition frequency of radar in order to achieve a maximum unambiguous range of 60nmi. If the radar has a peak power of 800mw, what is its average power? [6] OR Q6) a) Explain Radar Range Equation. b) Discuss delay line cancellers. [4] [4] c) How do you distinguish stationery targets and moving targets. Explain the principle and working of MTI radar. [8] SECTION - II Q7) a) Compare multimode step index and graded index optical fibre. [8] b) A manufacturer wishes to make a silica core step index fibre with V = 75, and a numerical aperture NA = 0.30 to be used at 820nm. If [4] n1 = 1.458, what should be the core size and cladding index? c) Explain types of losses in fiber optic communication. OR [3864]-248 2 [6] Q8) a) Explain principle, concept and applications of OTDR for optical fibre communication. [6] b) Explain the following terms : i) ii) iii) [9] Acceptance angle. Numerical aperture. Critical angle. c) Significance of optical power budgeting. Q9) a) Explain GSM architecture. [3] [6] b) What is the significance of fixed channel assignment? [4] c) Compare different multiple access techniques. [6] OR Q10) a) If there are 50 channels in a cell to handle all the calls and the average is 100s per call, how many calls can be handled in this cell with a blocking probability of 2 percent? [4] b) Explain : i) ii) iii) iv) [12] Cell splitting. Channel assignment. Handover. spread spectrum technology. Q11) a) Explain different orbital parameters and give significance of each. [12] b) Discuss Satellite constellation? [4] OR Q12) a) Explain spot beam and its significance. [4] b) A satellite communication system is expected to provide 17000 two-way digital telephone circuits. Individual satellite transponders have the capacity to carry 120 Mbps of traffic. Using the link parameters given below determine : [12] i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) [3864]-248 Uplink EIRP. Energy per bit to noise power density (Eb/No) at the satellite input. Power flux density at the earth station (downlink). Receive antenna gain. Earth station GIT. Carrier-to-noise power density at the receiver. Eb/No at the receiver 3 Available link parameters : Uplink Transmitter output power at saturation = 2kW Backoff and combining loss = 7dB Transmit antenna diameter = 15m Antenna efficiency = 55% Frequency of transmission = 14GHz Atmospheric loss = 0.6Db Satellite G/T = 5.3dB/K Downlink Satellite EIRP at beam edge = 40.2 dBW Free space loss = 205.6dB Downlink frequency = 11.7 GHz Atmospheric loss = 0.4 dB Receive system noise temperature = 270K Feeder loss = 0.7 dB Assume noise from other sources as negligible and that link maergin is adequate for propogation losses due to rain.etc. xxxx [3864]-248 4

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