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2003 Course Project Eng. & Management

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Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3664] - 244 P 1349 B.E. (Instrumentation) PROJECT ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer 3 questions from Section I and 3 questions from Section II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) Explain the following terms. [8] i) Assignable Instrument. ii) Manual Loading Station. iii) Shared Display or Controller. iv) Pilot Light. Explain the Tagging procedure in brief. Also give the meaning of following Tags. [8] i) FQSH - 100 ii) KSHL - 101 iii) PDRT - 100 iv) TDIT - 201 OR a) b) Q2) a) b) Draw the symbols for [8] i) Panel mounted patch board 21. ii) Restriction orifice - 22 in process line. iii) Fail to Open Two-way valve. iv) Gauge glass mounted on tank. What is organization structure? Draw organization structure for general industrial organization. [8] What is PFD & P&ID? Elaborate the clear differences between them.[10] Draw a flow control loop using standard symbols? Give Naming conventions as per ISA standard for i) The Loop. ii) For the Instruments. [8] OR P.T.O. a) b) Enlist & explain various steps involved in project planning. [10] Draw a Pressure control loop using standard Symbols? Give Naming convention as per ISA standard for; i) The Loop. ii) For the Instruments. [8] Q3) a) Draw the installation drawing for DP cell used for sensing the pressure of dry gas. [8] Draw the typical installation sketch for thermocouple. [8] b) OR Q6) a) b) Draw the level control loop using standard symbols? Draw the loop wiring diagram for Lop you have drawn. [6] [10] SECTION - II Q4) a) b) Explain the detailed procedure for CAT. State its importance. [9] Explain the process of procurement of material. Also draw the sample PO. [9] OR a) b) Q5) a) b) Explain the detailed procedure for FAT. State its importance. Explain the procedure for finalizing bidders list. [9] [9] Enlist Various Types of Panels. Explain Semi Graphic Panel with neat Sketch. [8] Explain in Detail the Inspection procedure of a control Panel. [8] OR a) b) Q6) a) b) What is meant by Networking? What are various Network Topologies? Explain in detail. [8] Classify various cables used in networking & Explain the advantages, disadvantages and uses of it. [8] What is Life Cycle Phase? What are the life cycle phases for R & D Project? Explain in detail. [10] What is WBS? Explain WBS in Brief by taking Suitable example. [6] OR a) b) Compare & Contrast between the PERT & CPM. [10] Enlist the various Network Techniques developed so far for the evaluation of a project. [6] [3664] - 244 -2-

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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