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2003 Course Assembly & Maintenance of Printing Machines

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Total No. of Questions : 6] P1189 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3664]-266 B.E. (Printing) ASSEMBLY AND MAINTENANCE OF PRINTING MACHINES (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) All questions are compulsory. Answer any one of each question a or b. Questions 1, 2, 4 and 5 have 16 marks and Questions 3 and 6 have 18 marks. Appropriate drawings are expected with the answers. Coloured Pencils may be used. For the Layout Graph Paper will be provided (A 3 size). Start answering each question on a new page. SECTION - I Q1) a) i) What are the mechanical drives used in printing machines? ii) Bevel Gears are often found in printing machines. Where and why? iii) What is the function of a toggle lever drive. Where is it used in the printing industry name at least 1 instance. iv) What mechanical parts do air cylinders replace and why? b) i) In printing industry various types of speed control systems are used. List the same. Explain a thyristor variable speed drive? ii) What are the different types of bearing used in printing machines? List. iii) What are various types of coupling used in printing industry? Name at least 3. iv) Where are pneumatic systems used in printing industry? Q2) a) i) ii) What are the various mechanical groups of a printing machine? Undercuts on cylinders. If you do not know the undercut of a machine how would you find out the same? iii) How is the motion on the feeder mechanism on a printing machine changed from vertical to horizontal? iv) Where are quick action clamps used on printing machines? Explain their function. P.T.O. b) i) What is the type of Inking system of an sheet-fed offset printing machine? Explain any one with diagram. ii) What are the different types of feeding systems used in printing industry? iii) Explain the function of a stream feeder in brief. iv) How is the blanket clamped to the cylinder? Q3) a) What is daily/routine inspection of a machine. Its role in keeping the equipment running with minimum breakdowns? b) What is understood under the term Proactive Maintenance? How can it reduce the incidence of machine failures? SECTION - II Q4) a) What do you understand under maintenance? Explain in detail. b) What is the role of a Maintenance Engineer? Q5) a) i) ii) When installing a machine what is necessary with relation to foundation? Importance of proper lubrication and types of lubrication systems? b) i) ii) What is the advantage of a ball bearing over a bush (sliding) bearing. In modern machines often the entire gear and other drive components lubricated with fluid grease. Explain reasons for the same. Q6) a) i) What are the essential tools required by a Maintenance Engineer? List at least 10. The cutting action of a paper cutting machine is ? Explain the reason for the same. ii) b) What are the principles of plant layout? Explain in detail. Prepare a layout for a printing press room with following equipment : Explain the work flow. 1. [3664]-266 4 colour offset machine 19 25 inches. Area of the machine is 22 feet by 7.5 feet. CPC unit requires an area of 5 feet 7 feet. Ancillary equipment such as compressor, chilling unit etc occupies an area of 6 feet 8 feet. 2 2. 2 colour offset machine Area required for the machine is 25 38 inches 8 feet 14 feet 3. Single colour offset machines Area required by the machines 20 30 inches 6 10 feet 4. 1 die cutting cylinder machine Area required by the machine is 25 38 inches 12 feet 6.5 feet Supervisor cabin 8 10 feet Test equipment table 6 feet 4 feet Storage area for consumeables and spares 12 15 feet Prepare the layout taking into consideration the above equipment providing space for working area and work in process. xxxx [3664]-266 3

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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