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1997 Course Radiation & Microwave Techniques

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Total No. of Questions : 10] [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3664] - 26 P 1338 B.E. (E & TC) RADIATION & MICROWAVE TECHNIQUES (1997 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any 3 questions from each section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) Q2) a) b) What are the advantages of waveguide over coaxial cable at microwave frequency? Explain the method to excite dominant mode in the waveguide from microwave source. [8] An air filled rectangular waveguide of inside dimensions (7 x 3.5)cm [8] operates in the dominant mode TE10 i) Find the cut-off frequency. ii) Determine phase velocity of wave in the guide at 3.5 GHz. iii) Find guided wavelength at 3.5 GHz. iv) Calculate group velocity at same frequency. Why S parameters are preferred at microwave frequency? Explain two hole directional coupler and give S parameters of it. [8] Explain principle of ferrite rotation. Explain isolator & give its S parameters. [8] Q3) a) b) Explain principle of working of a cavity Magnetron. [8] Explain velocity moduation & electron bunching in Klystron amplifier. [8] Q4) a) Explain working of circulator using Magic Tee. Give scattering matrix of three port circulator. [8] Explain the role of directional coupler in a typical laboratory microwave bench. Define coupling factor, directivity & isolation for the same. [8] b) P.T.O. Q5) Explain following microwave measurements. a) V.S.W.R. b) Microwave frequency. c) Microwave unknown impedence. [18] SECTION - II Q6) a) b) Q7) a) b) Q8) a) b) Q9) a) b) Explain LSA mode of Gunn diode compare between Gunn diode & IMPATT diode. [10] Explain how a PIN diode acts as a modulator. [6] Derive Radar Range equation. Explain the factors, those affect maximum Range of Radar. [8] Explain the A scope and plan position indicator system of Radar. [8] Discuss power frequency limitations of a microwave bijunction transistor. [8] Explain the working of parametric amplifier. [8] What are different feed mechanisms used for a parabolic reflector antenna? [8] Calculate the beamwidth between first nulls and the beamwidth half power points of 3 m paraboloid used in the S band at 3 GHz. Determine gain of the antenna in dBs. [8] Q10)Write short notes on (Any Three) : a) Microstriplines. b) Microwave Heating. c) Doppler effect. [3664] - 26 -2- [18]

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