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2003 Course Telecommunication Network Management

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P990 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3664]-204 B.E. (E & T/C) TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT (2003 Syllabus) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Use two separate answer books for Section-I and Section-II. 2) Read the questions carefully and concentrate on intensions of questions asked. 3) Answering to the point will be given the weightage. 4) Whenever necessary, use neat diagrams to express your views. 5) If necessary, use of Logarithmic Tables or Slide Rule or Pocket calculator. 6) Figures on the right side of question indicates marks. 7) Assume suitable data if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) How Computer Telecommunication networks are represented in the form of layers? What is the need of representing computer network in the form of layers? Describe OSI reference model in detail mentioning the functions of each layer. Describe how these layers are used communication between two users. [18] OR Q2) Which are the most popular packet switched technologies? Describe them in detail. [18] Q3) To which class of networks frame relay networks belongs whether circuit switched of packet switched? What are the advantages of frame relay networks over its predecessors? What are the features of Frame Relay Networks? Describe frame relay networks using neat diagram. [16] OR Q4) Bring out the differences between switched virtual connection (SVC) and permanent virtual connection (PVC). How SVCs are identified in Frame Relay Networks? What DLCI represents? How DLCIs are assigned in frame relay networks? What is the relevance of LMI specification in Frame Relay Networks? [16] Q5) Write notes on : a) Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL). b) Broadband Cable Modem. [8] [8] P.T.O. OR Q6) Write notes on : a) Local Multipoint Distribution Systems. b) ADSL verses SDSL. [8] [8] SECTION - II Q7) What are various types of routing methods? Explain them in detail. [16] OR Q8) What is static and dynamic routing? With the help of neat diagrams explain [16] static and dynamic routing in detail? Q9) Write notes on : a) Delay and jitter in Networks. b) Bandwidth and Crosstalk in Networks. [8] [8] OR Q10) a) Describe various issues in Network Operation and Maintenance. [8] b) Discuss security aspects of networks and how security is ensured. [8] Q11) What are the traps? To which devices traps are associated? How traps are represented? What information traps contain? [18] OR Q12) Answer only in one sentence : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) [18] What is network protection? What are the basic requirement of protection? What are the network protection mechanisms? What are the approaches for implementation of protection mechanisms? What are the scopes of repair? What are the two layers of recovery model? Which layer is responsible for providing QoS? What is network survivability? What is the use of repeater? xxxx [3664]-204 2

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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