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2003 Course Robotics & Industrial Automation

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3664] - 202 P 1209 B.E. (E & TC) ROBOTICS AND INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION (2003 Course) (404218) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt Q.1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4, Q.5 or Q.6, Q.7 or Q.8, Q.9 or Q.10, and Q.11 or Q.12. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of electronic pocket calculator is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) Discuss the classification of robot by co-ordinate system with the help of neat sketches. [10] Define the following terms : i) Work envelope. ii) Work cell. [8] iii) Tip speed. iv) Co-ordinated motion. OR Q2) a) Explain the classification of robot by control method. Give application [10] of each type. b) What is meant by fixed and flexible automation? Explain the differences between them. [8] Q3) a) Give E-L formulation. Discuss its significance for a robotic manipulator. [8] Give the steps for obtaining Direct solution of a robotic manipulator and explain. [8] b) OR Q4) a) Explain the term-Robot arm dynamics. Discuss any dynamic model of a robotic manipulator. [8] P.T.O. b) Explain the Geometric approach for obtaining the back solution of a robotic manipulator. [8] Q5) a) Discuss the classification of grippers. Sketch the end effector with bilateral gripping action. [8] Which sensor can be used along with the gripper to sense whether the object is falling? Explain the working principle. [8] b) OR Q6) a) Explain the working principle of proximity rod tactile sensor with neat [8] sketch. b) Draw a neat sketch of Pneumatically controlled prismatic joint & explain. [8] SECTION - II Q7) a) Discuss the Jacobian control of a manipulator in terms of D-H matrices.[10] b) Explain the term Trajectory planning. Discuss the Trajectory planner block diagram. [8] OR Q8) a) Describe the types of motion used in motion planning. R - R manipulator is at initial position (50, -50) degrees. It is required to move to (100, 50) degrees. Joints have maximum acceleration / decceleration of (40, 80) degree/s2 respectively. Maximum velocity of joints is (30, 60) deg/sec. If the robot follows trapezoidal velocity pattern using joint inter polated motion, find the travel time and velocity of each joint. [10] b) Describe the types of motion that can be acheived in cartesian coordinates. [8] Q9) a) How vision sensors can be categorized according to their dimensionality? Discuss any one type with neat diagram. [8] b) What are the different techniques for carrying out segmentation in Robot vision system? Explain any one of them in detail. [8] OR [3664] - 202 -2- Q10)a) b) Draw a neat diagram of robot system employing computer vision and discuss. [8] What considerations are required in providing computer vision for robotic system? Discuss any one of them in detail. [8] Q11)a) Explain the terms - MEMS and Micro systems. Discuss their applications. [8] b) Describe MEMS as microsensor and microactuator with the help of neat block diagrams. [8] OR Q12)Write notes on a) Inteligent sensors in Robot vision systems. b) c) d) Perspective Transformation. Task planning. Link & Joint parameters. [3664] - 202 -3- [16]

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