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2003 Course Petro. Exploration & Prod. Operations (Elective)

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Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 3 P1219 [3664]-333 B.E. (Petrochemical Engineering) PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION OPERATIONS (2003 Course) (Elective) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates:1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 2) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. SECTION - I Q1) Give a detailed account of the present upstream petroleum industry in the world with particular reference to the thrust areas for exploration, production scenario, natural gas, economics, business and status in India. [16] OR a) List and explain different physical and chemical properties of fuels that are normally determined while deciding quality of fuels. Give ranges of such properties for gasoline, kerosene and diesel wherever possible. [10] b) Explain any one method to determine calorific value of a liquid fuel. [6] Q2) What are sedimentary rocks? Explain : [16] a) Fluvial b) Transitional and c) Marine depositional environments with the help of neat sketches. OR P.T.O. Write short notes on any four of the following : a) Remote sensing in oil exploration, b) Condensate, free gas and associated gas, c) Source rocks, d) Reservoir rock properties, e) Migration of hydrocarbons, f) Rock cycle. [16] Q3) Answer any three of the following : [18] a) What is kerogen? What are the different types of kerogen? Explain each in brief. b) How are petroleum reserves classified? c) Explain in brief different methods of reserves estimation. d) With the help of neat sketches explain different types of reservoir traps. e) Give the Standard Geologic Time Scale . SECTION - II Q4) a) b) What are the basic land rig components? Draw a sketch and label the important parts. [10] Give a classification of drilling locations for wells. Explain the terms.[6] OR What is drilling fluid? Explain its important properties and procedures to measure them. [16] Q5) Write short notes on any four of the following : a) Mud pumps. b) Drilling bits. c) Blow out preventors. d) Jack up rig. e) Submersible rig. f) Well casing. g) Fishing. [3664]-333 2 [16] OR How is directional drilling carried out? Explain the equipments used specially for inducing deviation. [16] Q6) Answer any three of the following : [18] a) What is meant by Production Engineering with respect to oil industry? What are the reasons that affect production from a well? b) Explain the processes involved in Treating of oil (oil conditioning). c) Write a note of surface storage facilities for oil. d) What are the different methods of increasing recovery of oil from a reservoir. e) Explain in brief various alternate hydrocarbon sources that are likely to replace conventional oil and gas. vvvv [3664]-333 3

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