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2003 Course Refining Operations

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Total No. of Questions : 8] P1218 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3664]-321 B.E. (Petrochemical) REFINING OPERATIONS (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answer any 3 questions from each section. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. SECTION - I Q1) a) Elaborate on Overall Petroleum Refinery Flow . (Flow diagram is not necessary.) [8] b) Elaborate on Law Boiling Refinery Products . (i.e. the compounds which are in the gas phase at ambient temperatures and pressures.) [8] Q2) a) With the help of flow diagram, describe single stage electrostatic desalting of crude oil. [10] b) What is the significance of steam addition to the furnace inlet of a Vacuum Distillation Unit? What do you mean by dry, wet and damp operation of the same unit? [6] Q3) a) Elaborate on FCC Regenerator . (Diagram is necessary.) b) Discuss hydrocracker feedstock preparation in detail. [8] [5] c) Describe the GoFining Process as a typical fixed-bed hydrocracking process in detail. (Flow diagram is not necessary.). [5] Q4) Write short notes on following (Any 4) : [16] a) Composition of petroleum. b) Crude assay. c) Gasoline. P.T.O. d) Petroleum coke e) Visbreaking. f) Hydrotreating catalysts. SECTION - II Q5) a) Give the significance of catalytic reforming and enlist the typical feedstocks to the catalytic reformer. Also, enlist the undesired reactions in a catalytic reformer. [6] b) Elaborate on Reforming Catalyst . [6] c) With the help of neat sketch, discuss typical fixed-bed downflow catalytic reformer in detail. [6] Q6) a) How are lubricating oils produced? What is the significance of additives in the production of lubricating oils? Enlist at least four important properties of lubricating oils. [6] b) With the help of flow diagram, describe Ketone Dewaxing Unit for [10] lubricating oil manufacturing. Q7) a) Elaborate on Once-through Claus Sulfur Process . (Flow diagram is necessary.) [12] b) Enlist at least four sources of wastewater in refineries. Q8) Write short notes on following (Any 4) : a) Air Pollution Control in Refineries. b) SCOT Process. c) Isomerization. d) Reformer Feed Preparation. e) Dehydrogenation Reactions in a Catalytic Reformer. f) Lube Additives. [3664]-321 2 [4] [16]

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