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2003 Course Petroleum Exploration

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Total No. of Questions : 6] P1376 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3664]-309 B.E. (Petroleum Engineering) PETROLEUM EXPLORATION (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. SECTION - I Q1) Answer any two questions of the following: a) b) What is a gravimeter? What are the types of gravimeter? Explain the construction of Lactose Romberg Gravimeter. [8] Calculate the Bouger Anomaly for following data collected during the gravity survey along a line in an area (1 is a base station). [8] Given : Tidal Correction : 0.01 mgal, Terrain Correction : 0.031 mgal = 2.75 gm/cc constant in a region. The Latitude of a line is 23 39 40 Station Time in hrs g obs mgal Elevation in meter 1 9.01 98136891 0 2 3 98136903 98136925 150 175 4 5 1 c) d) 9.10 9.21 9.40 9.50 10.07 98136950 98136930 98136899 125 100 0 Explain the construction and working of flux gate magnetometer. [8] Draw and discuss the effects produced by following conditions in gravity and magnetic survey i) ii) A buried sphere of uniform radius r at a depth z with density higher than surrounding. A faulted horizontal sheet with thickness t , occurring at a depth Z1 and Z2, (where Z1 > Z2), with density higher than surrounding and angle of faulting = 45 and also = 90 . [8] P.T.O. Q2) a) Draw and explain Schlumberger arrangement of electrical resistivity survey. [8] b) How is apparent resistivity different from true resistivity? [3] c) Explain the Expanding Spread Traverse using Schlumberger method. [5] OR a) Explain the working principle of Geiger Muller Counter. b) Ni decays by beta decay to the non-radioactive isotope of copper 265Cu . The half-life of the nickel isotope is 2.52 h. An 9 initially pure sample of 65Ni contains 5.27 x 1020 atoms. How much time will pass until 8.37 x 1019 atoms of 65Cu have been created? [8] Q3) a) How is geochemical method effectively used as an exploration tool in new areas? [8] b) Give different modes of transport of hydrocarbons through the seal of the reservoir to the surface. [10] The Nickel isotope [8] 65 28 OR Write short notes on: [18] a) Geochemical Correlation Methods. b) Weathering processes of Petroleum Seepages. SECTION - II Q4) Explain the 2D acquisition of seismic data on land and in offshore. OR [16] a) What is a synthetic seismogram? [8] b) How are static and dynamic corrections applied to seismic data? [8] Q5) a) b) How is seismic method useful in developing a basic geological model?[8] Write notes on any one of the following: i) AVO, ii) Acoustic impedance, iii) Use of GIS in data interpretation. [3664] - 309 2 [8] Q6) a) Answer the following: i) ii) [8] How is deterministic approach in reserves estimation different than probabilistic approach? What is a play? iii) How is boundary relationship between different units interpreted in mapping reflection seismic images? iv) How does the asymmetry of folding control the area of reservoir during calculation of volumetric reserves? b) Explain the steps involved in effective exploration of stratigraphic trap. [10] OR a) What is NELP? What are the likely areas of exploration in India in future? How is risk discussed / addressed while exploring in new areas? [10] b) Write a note on reserves nomenclature as recommended by SPE and WPC. [8] Y [3664] - 309 3

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