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2003 Course Oil Well Drilling Eng.

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 3 P1283 [3664]-317 B.E. (Petroleum) OIL WELL DRILLING ENGINEERING (2003 Course) (New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer Q. no. 1 or Q. no. 2, Q. no. 3 or Q. no. 4, Q. no. 5 or Q. no. 6 from Section-I and Q. no. 7 or Q. no. 8, Q. no. 9 or Q. no. 10, Q. no. 11 or Q. no. 12 from Section - II. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of logarithmic tables, Slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) To achieve the basic functions of drilling fluids; which side effects or hole problems must be minimized? List at least six. [6] b) What is well planning? Write drilling cost formula and explain with equations, how drilling cost predictions are useful in well planning.[12] OR Q2) Write a short note on : a) Top Drive. [18] b) Journal Angles in Roller Cone Bits. c) Toolface orientation. d) Preventing stuck pipe and procedure to remove stuck pipe. Q3) a) A 12 ppg mud is being circulated at 400 gpm. The 5.0 in drillpipe has an internal diameter of 4.33 inch and the drill collars have an ID of 2.5 inch. The bit has a diameter of 9.875 inch. Calculate the average velocity in the [8] i) Drill pipe. ii) Drill collars. iii) Annulus opp. to drill pipe in ft/s. b) Describe in detail the overall factors affecting rig hydraulics program. Also write the general objectives of mud hydraulics to be designed for a rig. [8] P.T.O. OR Q4) a) Determine the pressure at the bottom of the drill string, if the frictional pressure loss in the drill string is 1400 psi, the flow rate is 400 gals/min, the mud density is 12 lbm/gal, and the well depth is 10,000 ft. The internal diameter of the drill collars at the bottom of the drill string is 2.5 inch and the pressure increase developed by pump is 3000 psi. [8] b) Explain in detail, how the rate of penetration during drilling is affected by drilling fluid properties and hydraulic program. [8] Q5) What are the objectives of directional well? Describe the different type of BHA tools used to drill the directional well. Draw the geometry of a typical directional well trajectory and give the nomenclature for this well profile. [16] OR Q6) It is desired to drill under the lake using a build and hold trajectory. Horizontal departure to the target is 2,655 ft. at a TVD of 9,650 ft. The recommended rate of build is 2.0o/100 ft. The kick off depth is 1,600 ft. Determine, a) The radius of curvature. b) The maximum inclination angle. c) The measured depth to the end of build. d) The total measured depth. [16] SECTION - II Q7) a) Compute the body yield strength for 20 inch K - 55 casing with a normal wall thickness of 0.635 inch and a nominal weight per foot of 133 lbf/ft. This pipe has a minimum yield strength of 55,000 psi. Also define, [10] i) Pipe body yield strength. ii) Tension failure. iii) Burst failure. iv) Collapse failure. b) Describe in detail the graphical method to decide casing seat position. Draw the generic nature of pressure gradient profile for mud, formation pressure and fracture gradient. Indicate the features of the casing setting procedure on sketch. [8] OR Q8) a) Write a note on the concept of, combination casing . Also write a typical casing-hole-bit size program. [8] [3664]-317 2 b) Draw the typical behavior of formation pressure, well pressure and formation fracture resistance in a abnormally pressured well. Also explain, using this schematic sketch/graph, how the knowledge of the pressure at which formation fracture will occur at all depths in the well is essential for planning and drilling a well into a abnormally pressured formations. [10] Q9) a) What do you mean by blow out? Describe the system of typical BOP stack arrangement with a schematic sketch. [8] b) Write the symptoms of blow out during drilling, tripping and during drill string out of the well. Explain well control method in brief, using two circulations . [8] OR Q10) a) Calculate, hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of a well having TVD (True Vertical Depth) 2300m., containing 1.2gm/cc mud. [3] b) If the influx has entered around 6.5 inch drill collar in a 12.52 inch [4] wellbore, calculate the height of 2m3 gas influx. c) Draw the circuit diagram and explain BOP well control unit. [9] Q11) a) List five basic mechanisms of rock removal that are employed in the design of bits. [6] b) Draw the schematic sketch of an offshore floating vessel and demonstrate drilling operations using marine riser-BOP system. Indicate all the features. Write the purpose of flex joint, slip joint, marine riser in brief. [10] OR Q12) a) Classify different types of offshore structures and explain any one in brief. [8] b) Write short notes on : i) Leak Off Test. ii) MWD. [8] xxxx [3664]-317 3

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