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2003 Course Reservoir Eng. - I

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Total No. of Questions : 8] [Total No. of Pages :8 P1382 [3664] - 308 B.E. (Petroleum Engineering) RESERVOIR ENGINEERING - I (412381) (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) [Max. Marks:100 Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. Questions No. 4 (four) and 8 (eight) are compulsory. Out of remaining attempt any two questions from each section. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Use of a non-programmable calculator, log-log, semi-log paper is allowed Assume suitable data, if necessary. If you attempt question 6, detach Figure 3 and attach inside the answer booklet. If you attempt question 7, detach Figure 1 & 2 and attach inside the answer booklet. SECTION - I Q1) a) What is reservoir engineering and how are its objectives accomplished?[6] b) c) Explain in detail classification of reserves and how are they calculated?[6] What are drive indices? [4] Q2) a) Derive the material balance equation for an undersaturated reservoir considering rock and fluid expansion. [8] An undersaturated, volumetric reservoir has the following properties: Pi = 4000 psia, Pb = 2500 psia, Sw = 30%, porosity =10%, cw = 3E-6, ct = 5E-6, Boi = 1.300 bbl/STB at 4000 psia, and Bo = 1.320 bbl/STB at 3000 psia. i) Calculate total pore volume, connate water volume and hydrocarbon volume at 4000 psia, and 3000 psia. (express in bbl/acre-ft). ii) Calculate the stock tank oil in place at 4000 psia and 3000 psia. iii) Calculate the average compressibility of oil between 4000 psia and 3000 psia relative to the volume at 4000 psia. iv) Calculate the fractional recovery at 3000 psia by two different methods. [8] b) P.T.O. P.T.O. Q3) a) b) Explain the usefulness of the p/z graph. The initial volume of gas in place in a certain reservoir is calculated from electric log and core data to be 200MMM SCF (14.7 and 60 F) underlying 2250 productive acres, at an initial pressure of 3500 psia and 140F. The pressure production history is Pressure Production MMMSCF Gas deviation factor at 140F 3500(initial) 0.0 0.85 2500 75.0 0.82 i) ii) iii) Q4) a) b) [4] What is the initial volume of gas in place as calculated from the pressure production history assuming no water influx. Assuming uniform sand thickness, porosity, and connate water, if the volume of gas in place from pressure-production data is believed to be correct, how many acres of extension is the reservoir. If, the gas in place is calculated from log and core data is correct, how much water influx must have occurred during the 75 MMMSCF [12] of production to make the two figures agree. What are decline curves? [6] Explain in detail any one of the type curves (Blasingame, Carter, Fetkowich) used for decline curve analysis. [12] SECTION - II Q5) a) b) c) d) e) Q6) a) b) c) What are dimensionless variables? Give some examples in Petroleum Engineering. [2] Why are they used? [2] State the dimensionless diffusivity equation. [2] Derive the dimensionless Ei solution to the diffusivity equation. [8] What is the physical meaning of this solution? [2] What is pseudo pressure, why is it required? [3] (If you attempt this question, attach Figure 3 inside the answer booklet.) For the gas well test in the figure 3, find permeability and skin factor for pressure, pressure squared and pseudo pressure ( , PP) analysis. Show ETR, MTR, LTR clearly on graph. Data : q = 1100 MSCF/D, tp = 2940 minutes, Tr = 248 F, Porosity = 7.7, rw = 0.2 ft, ct = 1.26E-4, viscosity = 0.0216 cp, h = 8ft, A = 320 acre, average reservoir pressure = 3567 psi , z = 0.9305, gas gravity = 0.7, Pwf = 2292, (Pwf) = 3460 x 105. [10] Which analysis do you believe, why? [3] [3664]-308 2 Q7) (If you attempt this question, attach Figure 1 and 2 inside the answer booklet). Analyse the pressure transient test in Figure 1 and 2 for a well producing oil which has produced 13220 STB. Data : =0.17, qo = 1135 STB/D, o = 0.6 cp, Bo = 1.214bbl/STB, ct = 18E-6/psi, rw = 0.5 ft, h = 28ft, pwf = 2752 psia, re = 1320 ft, well centered in square drainage area (160 acres) Determine. a) b) c) d) e) f) Time at which afterflow distortion ceased. [1] Time at which boundary effects begin. [1] On the graph draw a Unit Slope line, and identify ETR, MTR, LTR on both graphs. Explain the terms ETR, MTR, LTR. [4] Formation permeability, skin, ri. [3] Find delp skin and flow efficiency. [2] Is there a fault in the vicinity of the well, at what distance? [5] Q8) a) What is the definition of Pressure Derivative? [2] b) How is the pressure derivative plot obtained? [4] c) Give five examples of pressure derivative plots for different reservoir [12] models and explain them. [3664]-308 3 [3664]-308 4 [3664]-308 5 [3664]-308 6 [3664]-308 7 vvvv [3664]-308 8

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