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2003 Course Bio-Process Equipment Design

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3664]-363 P1172 B.E. (Biotechnology) BIO-PROCESS EQUIPMENT DESIGN (416283) (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 2) Use of programmable calculator is not allowed. 3) Draw a neat sketch wherever necessary. 4) Make necessary assumptions wherever required. 5) Answer any Three questions from Section I and any Three questions from Section II. SECTION - I Q1) a) Describe the design features of agitated Nutsche filter. [6] b) Explain the cake discharge arrangement used in Rotary drum filter. [8] c) Explain Recessed plate construction of plate and frame filters. [4] OR Q2) a) Define following terms: i) Partition coefficient. iii) Retention time. [8] ii) Retention Volume. iv) Relative retention. b) State the advantages of High performance thin layer chromatography.[4] c) A chromatographic separation of two component samples on a 40 cm column gave the retention times for two solutes as 4 and 6 min. respectively. Calculate the following: [6] i) No. of theoretical plates. ii) Plate height. iii) Resolution of peaks. The base width of two chromatographic peaks are 0.2 and 0.4 min. Q3) a) b) State the need of downstream processing in the biological processes. Explain sublimation drying/Lyophilization. [8] Describe the general design procedure for Process equipment. [8] P.T.O. Q4) a) b) c) Q5) a) b) OR Differentiate between Wiped joint and Socket joint. [4] Draw neat sketches for following pipe fittings[6] Reducing, Tee, Cross, Elbow, Bend, Plug. Define Utilities. Describe the service fluid codes as per IS-1980 used in process flow diagrams. [6] Describe the design of plain head, shallow dished head, Hemispherical head with neat sketched. [6] Design pressure vessel from following data: [10] Shell Inner dia - 1400 mm. Material - Stainless steel. Internal pressure - 1.2 N/mm2 Permissible stress - 130 N/mm2 Head Type Flanged and Shallow dished Outer dia - 1400 mm Crown radius - 1400 mm Knuckle radius - 85 mm Nozzle Welded to shell Max. permissible stress - 130 N/mm2 Inner dia - 220 mm Thickness - 3.5 mm Bolts - Material - Hot rolled steel OR Q6) a) b) c) Discuss the material used for the construction of High pressure vessels.[6] Explain Multi-shell construction of High pressure vessel. [4] Write short note on: [6] i) Delta - ring closure. ii) Single Cone joint. SECTION - II Q7) a) b) Describe with neat sketch design of Spiral heat exchanger. [6] Design shell and tube heat exchanger from following data: [12] Shell side No. of passes - 1. Material - Carbon steel Corrosion allowance - 3 mm Fluid - Water Inlet temp. 30 C; Outlet temp. 65 C. Working pressure - 0.33 N/mm2. Design pressure - 0.5 N/mm2. Nozzles - Inlet & Outlet 90 mm. [3664] - 363 2 Tube side Q8) a) b) c) Q9) a) b) Q10)a) Material - Stainless steel. No. of tubes - 60 Pitch - square 32 mm. Outer dia - 24 mm. Length - 13 m. Fluid - Nitrous oxide Inlet temp. 98 C Outlet temp. 70 C. Permissible stress - 100 N/mm2. Nozzles Vent & Drain - 25 mm. Material - Carbon steel. Permissible stress - 90 N/mm2. Shell cover Dished head. Crown radius 550 mm. Knuckle radius 70 mm. Channel & Channel cover Material - Carbon steel. Permissible stress - 95 N/mm2. OR State the material used for construction of shell & tube heat exchanger.[6] Explain design of Long tube vertical evaporators with neat sketch. [8] Describe various methods for fixing tubes to tube sheet. [4] Explain different types of jackets used in construction of reaction vessel. [6] Design vessel shell with half coil jacket from following data: Vessel shell with inner dia - 2100 mm. Jacket inner dia - 2200 mm. Jacket length - 2450 mm. Dia.of Half coil - 1100 mm. Internal pressure (shell) 0.70 N/mm2. Internal pressure (jacket) - 0.42 N/mm2. Allowable stress - 98 N/mm2. E at 20 C - 190*103N/mm2. Poisson's ration - 0.3. Flanged and dished head Inner dia - 2100 mm. Crown radius - 2100 mm Knuckle radius - 135 mm. [10] OR Explain shaft design based on Torque and bending moment. [6] [3664] - 363 3 b) Design shaft & blade of turbine agitator which is running in vessel of 1800 mm dia. using torque and bending moment criteria. [10] 2 Internal pressure of vessel - 0.72 N/mm Dia. of agitator - 520 mm Speed - 250 rpm Liquid in vessel Specific gravity - 1.15 Viscosity - 580 cP Overhang of agitator shaft between bearing and agitator - 1250 mm Agitator blade nos - 6 Width of blade - 78 mm Thickness of blade - 7 mm Shaft Material - Rolled steel Permissible stress - 55 N/mm2 Tensile stress - 246 N/mm2 E - 19.5 N/mm2. Q11)a) b) Explain the Optimum sieve plate performance diagram. [6] Discuss various feed arrangements to be considered for distillation column alongwith neat sketches. [8] Define Percent flooding and weep point. [2] OR Explain the design of liquid distributors and redistributors. [8] Calculate stresses developed in fractionating column from following data: Shell Dia - 2500 mm [8] Design pressure - 1.8 N/mm2 Working temp - 170 C Design temp - 220 C Material - Carbon steel Permissible stress - 95 N/mm2 Head - Elliptical welded to shell Trays Sieve type No - 30 Spacing - 0.7 m Holes - 4 mm Thickness - 2.5 mm Weight of attachment 1500 N/mm2 Weight of liquid and tray - 1240 N/mm2 Weight of column - 2400 kgs Wind pressure - 1428 N/mm2. c) Q12)a) b) Y [3664] - 363 4

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