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2003 Course Manufacturing Automation & Control

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages :3 P975 [3664] - 155 B.E. (Production & Production S/W) MANUFACTURING AUTOMATION & CONTROL (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks:100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) A pump has a displacement volume of 100 cm3. It delivers 0.00152 m3/sec at 1000 rpm and 70 bars. If the prime mover input torque is 125 N-m i) What is overall efficiency of the pump? ii) What is theoretical torque required to operate the pump? [6] b) Explain the terms i) Beta rating ii) Absolute rating. [4] c) Explain with neat sketch the working of a counterbalance value and draw a typical circuit showing its application. [6] OR Q2) a) b) c) A cylinder has to carry a load of 25000 N and it is to move over a horizontal surface at a speed of 25 m/min. It has to brought to speed as well as stopped within 15 mm, which results into a surge pressure of 440 bar. Calculate the diameter of cylinder. Assume coefficient of friction to be 0.15. [6] 3 Find the offset angle for axial piston pump, which delivers 0.0019 m /sec at 3000 rpm. Pump has nine 16 mm diameter pistons arranged on a 127 mm piston circle diameter. [4] Draw a neat sketch & explain pressure compensated flow control valve. [6] P.T.O. Q3) a) b) A hydraulic cylinder has to operate as follows : It extends in 5 seconds at 25 bar, flow rate 12 lpm; It remains extended for 25 seconds at 200 bar, no flow; It retracts in 4 seconds at 35 bar, flow rate 12 lpm; remain retracted for 26 seconds at 200 bar, no flow; Design the size of accumulator required and size of pump. Assume isothermal condition in gas during charging and discharging. [10] Draw neat sketch and explain working of a regenerative circuit. [6] OR Q4) a) A hydraulic system requires 350 lpm flow at 20 bar pressure for some part of cycle and 40 lpm flow in remaining part of cycle at 320 bar pressure. Calculate the size of pump and input energy to pump if intensifier is to be used in circuit. [4] b) What are the functions of fluid reservoir in hydraulic system? Explain the steps to design the reservoir considering heat dissipation criteria. [8] c) Name the four types of cylinder mountings with neat sketches. Q5) a) [4] A pneumatic cylinder is needed to press fit a pin into a hole. Design and draw a circuit using a twin pressure valve which is operated by two 3/2 valves. A 4/2 valve is used as the main direction control valve to operate the double acting cylinder. [8] b) What are the selection criteria for air compressors? [4] c) What is function of shuttle valve? Draw any suitable pneumatic circuit [6] showing application of shuttle valve. OR Q6) a) Draw a position step diagram and suitable pneumatic circuit for a 2 cylinder system in which the cylinder extends sequentially but retracts simultaneously. [8] b) Explain use of pneumatics in low cost automation. [6] c) Explain with neat sketch the time delay valve. [4] SECTION - II Q7) a) What are various components of process control system? Explain the function of each component briefly. [8] b) How many status flags does 8085 have? Discuss the role of each flag. [8] [3664]-155 2 OR Q8) a) Draw and explain ladder diagram for a motor with the following : Normally open start button, normally closed stop button, thermal overload switch opens at high temperature, green light when running, red light for thermal overload. [10] b) Explain for a microprocessor, the roles of i) Accumulator ii) Memory address iii) Program counter registers. [6] Q9) a) A PI controller has KP = 5, KI = 1.5 s 1. The controller output for no error PI(o) = 20%. Plot the controller output as a function of time for an error given by figure 1. KP and KI are proportional gain and integral gain respectively. [10] b) Explain the digital to analog converter as an input device. [6] OR Q10)a) Explain with suitable example the use of accumulating timer in PLC. [8] b) Explain with suitable example the latch circuit. [4] c) Find the digital word that results from a 3.127 volt input into a 5 bit ADC [4] with a 5 volt reference. Q11)a) b) c) Explain various types of work transfer systems. [8] Explain with neat sketches various types of rotary feeders. [6] What factors should be considered while deciding type of transfer device to be used in automated systems. [4] OR Q12)Write short notes on : [18] a) Industrial robots. b) Automated guided vehicles. c) Flexible manufacturing system. kbkb [3664]-155 3

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Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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