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2003 Course Mechatronics & Robotics

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1154 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3664]-169 B.E. (Production Sandwich) MECHATRONICS & ROBOTICS (2003 Course) (411121) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Answer three questions from Section I and three questions from Section II. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of electronic pocket calculator is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Unit - I Q1) a) Explain the following with an example : i) Measurement System. ii) Display System. iii) Sequential Controller. iv) Comparison element of a closed system. [8] b) Discuss the functioning of an Engine Management System and draw a block diagram representing the basic elements of the control system for it. [10] OR Q2) a) Explain the basic building blocks of models used to represent Mechanical systems. [4] b) State and explain the signal conditioning processes. [5] c) Discuss the following with neat sketches : [9] i) Inverting amplifier. ii) Summing amplifier. iii) Integrating amplifier. Unit - II Q3) a) Explain the following for a Microprocessor. i) Assembler. ii) Memory address iii) Bus [9] P.T.O. b) Explain the use of Stack with suitable examples. Illustrate the various operations used with a stack pointer. [7] OR Q4) a) Explain what Logic gates might be used to compare two digital words to determine if they are exactly equal. [6] b) Select proper kind of flip-flop and Design a circuit for the following:[10] i) Safety alert system in which an alarm is to sound when a beam of light is interrupted and remain sounding even when the beam is no longer interrupted. ii) A system that could be used to show a green light when the sensor input is low and a red light when it goes high and sound an alarm. Unit - III Q5) a) Explain the following instructions : i) MOV. ii) ADC. iii) RAL. iv) LHLD. b) Explain block of microcomputer with all interfacing devices. [8] [8] OR Q6) a) Explain the following pins of Microprocessor. i) RESETIN. ii) INTR. iii) READY. iv) HOLD. b) What are the different categories of instructions in 8085. [8] [8] SECTION - II Unit - IV Q7) a) Discuss the following with respect to PLCs. i) Multi tasking. ii) Classification. iii) Task of Input/Output section. iv) Scan time. [8] b) Explain the following : [8] i) How the direction of the core displacement is sensed in LVDT? ii) How the direction of rotation is determined in rotary encoder? [3664]-169 2 OR Q8) a) To run an Automatic Injection Moulding machine, list the various activities to be performed in sequence and draw a ladder diagram for it. [10] b) Define the following and state which physical parameters they can sense. [6] i) Pyroelectric transducers. ii) Piezoelectric transducers. Unit - V Q9) a) Explain the following pneumatic actuators with neat diagram. i) Linear Single rod Single acting. ii) Linear Single rod Double acting. iii) Linear Double rod Double acting. [9] b) In what way the stepper motor is advantageous than the DC and AC motors? [7] OR Q10) State and explain various types of : a) Valve bodies. b) Plugs. c) Ball and Roller bearing. d) Solid state devices. [16] Unit - VI Q11) a) State and explain various types of automations. b) Discuss the role of Robot in following applications : i) Surgery. ii) Machine Loading and Unloading. iii) Profile Welding. [6] [12] OR Q12) a) Discuss some of the applications which demand the use of Robots. [6] b) Discuss the various coordinates of Robot with specific application of each. [12] [3664]-169 3

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