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2003 Course Fiber Technology

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1321 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3664]-305 B.E. (Polymer) FIBER TECHNOLOGY (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates:1) Answer three questions from Section - I and three questions from Section - II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Your answers will be valued as a whole. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Explain what is meant by natural source & synthetic source of obtaining fibers. Give advantages of fibers obtained by both sources. [10] b) Explain melt spinning process with diagram and give limitation of this process. Give the list of polymers that can be obtained in fiber form by melt spinning. [8] OR Q2) a) b) Q3) a) b) Explain solution spinning method; and explain dry & wet spinning with diagrams. [10] Explain H4S spinning process with its advantages. [8] What are the raw materials used to produce synthetic fibers. [8] Give the list of fibers that can be obtained with dry jet wet spinning [8] along with the method of obtaining them. OR P.T.O. Q4) a) b) What are the factors affecting formation of DEG in PET and how can it be controlled. [7] What all side reactions are formed during PET synthesis and what are their drawbacks. [9] Q5) a) Why is the process of texturing called as false twist process. Explain the process with neat diagram. [10] b) Why multiple stages of stretching and drawing is given to fibers. [6] OR Q6) a) With diagram explain how spin finish is applied. Give the composition of spin finish. [8] b) Other than false twist process, which all techniques can be used for texturing. [8] SECTION - II Q7) a) b) Explain the structural changes taking place during spinning and drawing. [8] What is the importance of heat setting and how is it done. [5] c) Write short note on Saram fibers. [5] OR Q8) a) b) c) What are staple fibers and how are they obtained. What is the difference between staple fiber yarn & filament yarn. [8] Are the properties of fiber same as to the polymer from which it is obtained. Justify. [5] Write a short note on Lycra . [5] Q9) a) Give the different ways fiber can be man coloured. Is there any other technique of coloration of fabric other than man coloration. [10] b) What is meant by high temperature dyeing and thermosol process. [6] OR [3664]-305 2 Q10)a) What is meant by disperse dyeing. [4] b) Explain what is meant by acid and base dye for fibers. [6] c) Give pictorial representation to show simultaneous and sequential draw texturing. [6] Q11)a) Why was it necessary to modify synthetic fibers and what are the methods used to do so. [8] b) Write a short note on tire cord , in regards use of fibers in its making. [4] c) Apart from making textiles, list all the other applications where fiber can be made use with or without modification. [4] OR Q12)a) b) Explain the method of preparing hydrophilic acrylic fibers. [8] What are bicomponent acrylic fibers and what are their advantages.[8] vvvv [3664]-305 3

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