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2003 Course Rubber Technology (Elective)

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Total No. of Questions : 6] P1190 [Total No. of Pages :3 [3664] - 298 B.E. (Polymer) RUBBER TECHNOLOGY (2003 Course) (Elective) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) [Max. Marks:100 Question Nos. 1 and 4 are compulsory. Out of the remaining attempt 2 questions from Section I and 2 questions from Section II. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) What are the molecular-structure requirements for a material to act as a rubber? [8] Explain the various stages involved in the raw rubber technology. [8] OR a) Explain the various stages involved in latex technology. b) Write a short note on swelling of rubbers by liquids. What influence does fillers have on the swelling of rubbers. [8] Q2) a) What are the different types of C-blocks? Differentiate between them.[6] b) Explain the properties of C-block. w.r.t. i) ii) iii) iv) c) [8] [8] Particle size or surface area. Structure. Physical and chemical nature of the surface and Particle Porosity. Write a short note on Peptisers . [3] OR a) Explain the effect of C-block on the properties of rubber. [6] P.T.O. b) Explain the need for addition, mechanism of functioning giving 2 examples of each of the following additives. [8] i) ii) Q3) a) Vulcanising Agents & iii) c) Antioxidants. Accelerators & Activators. Write a short note on Tackifiers used with rubbers. Discuss the following elastomers w.r.t their structure, properties, vulcanising systems used and applications. [9] i) Natural rubber. ii) Nitrile rubber and iii) b) [3] Silicone rubber. List the various ingredients added a typical rubber formulation. State the different types of machinery used for compounding of rubbers. Explain [8] in detail the design of a Banbury mixer. OR a) What is vulcanisation? What are the factors affecting the rate of [4] vulcanisation? b) Draw and compare the cure curve for NR and SBR. c) Which are the vulcanising systems used with the following rubbers. Write a reaction showing the same. [9] i) Polychloroprene Rubber. ii) Silicone Rubber. iii) Polyacrylic rubbers. iv) [4] Ethylene-Propylene copolymer. SECTION - II Q4) a) Explain the process of Injection molding of rubbers. State its advantages and disadvantages. [8] b) List the different types of compression process used with rubbers. [5] c) What is Flashless Method for manufacture of rubber articles? OR [3664]-298 2 [3] a) Explain the different types of roll arrangements used in a calendar. What is roll bending in case of calendaring? [8] b) How is vulcanisation of the extrudates carried out? [5] c) Explain ram extruders used w.r.t rubbers. [3] Q5) a) Explain the process for manufacturing of rubber hoses. Which rubbers are used in the manufacture of hoses. Also list the various types of [9] reinforcement used. b) List the 3 types of tyre constructions and explain. [5] c) What are the different applications of rubber latex? [3] OR a) Define Cellular rubbers . Classify cellular rubbers and explain. b) Explain a standard formulation for a rubber compound to be used in making of conveyor belts. Explain the construction of a conveyor belt what are its applications? [9] c) With the help of a neat sketch explain the major components of a cable.[3] Q6) a) What is the need for testing of rubbers? How are the test specimens prepared. [6] b) List the tests carried out on unvulcarised rubbers. Explain any one of [6] them. c) What is rebound resilience ? How is the test carried out? What is the effect of compounding on rebound resilience? [5] [5] OR a) Why is the test Permanent set carried out? Give one application where it is carried out. Explain the procedure to carry out permanent set in compression. [6] b) State 2 applications in which the rubber product is tested for abrasion. Explain the procedure to carry out the test. [6] c) List the electrical tests carried out on rubbers. Explain surface resistivity or volume restivity w.r.t rubbers. [5] kbkb [3664]-298 3

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