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2003 & 1997 Course Advanced Material Processing (Elective II)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P938 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3664]-166 B.E. (Prod. / Prod. S/W) ADVANCED MATERIAL PROCESSING (1997 Course & 2003 Course) (Elective - II) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Attempt one question from each unit in Section - I and Section - II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written on separate answer books. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Unit - I Q1) a) Explain with suitable example the necessity of development in tool geometry for higher productivity. [8] b) Compair the dynamic turning with oscillating turning operation. [8] OR Explain the requirements of machine tool for high speed machining.[8] Q2) a) b) Explain with neat sketches the development in insert used for milling operation. [8] Unit - II Q3) a) b) Draw a neat sketch of electro chemical grinding process. State & explain the process characteristics of it? [8] Related to EDM process explain followingi) Electrode material. ii) Requirement of electrode material. [8] iii) Function of dielectric fluid. iv) Electrode shapes. OR Q4) a) b) Write notes on following: [10] i) Voltage drop a cross gap between electrode in ECM process. ii) STEM process. Explain chemical milling process in detail. [6] P.T.O. Unit - III Q5) a) b) Q6) a) b) Differentiate between isothermal forging & hotdie forging. [9] What is ring rolling? Explain the different stages in ring rolling. OR [9] What is may netoforging? Explain the process consideration in it. [9] What is hydroforming? Explain different methods of hydroforming. [9] SECTION - II Unit - IV Q7) a) Draw a sketch for a component casted by injection casting process. Explain in detail how it is casted in injection casting process. [8] b) Listout different casting process for brass component. Explain any one in detail. [8] OR Q8) a) b) Write a note on i) No-flask casting process. ii) Direct chill process. With neat sketch explain in short Reciprocating mould process. [10] [6] Unit - V Q9) a) Explain different joining processes used in joining of plastic, glass. [8] b) Explain the process for manufacturing a product like blown film Jar, bucket, Racket, Plug. [10] OR Write a note on[12] Q10)a) i) ii) b) Thermoforming process for plastic product. Slip casting process for ceramic. Explain how will you do printing on plastic. [6] Unit - VI Q11)a) Listout different coating processes for metal coating? Explain any one in detail. [8] b) List out different defect of paint coating. Explain few defect along with causes & remedies. [8] OR Q12)a) b) Explain the different methods for surface cleaning. Explain the LIGA process. Y [3664] - 166 2 [8] [8]

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