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2003 Course Biomedical Electronics

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1122 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3664]-222 B.E. (Electronics) BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) Q2) a) b) Q3) a) b) Q4) a) b) Q5) a) b) Explain the process of polarization, depolarization and repolarization with the help of neat diagrams. [9] What do you mean by relative refractory period and absolute refractory period. Compare with resting potential and action potential. [9] OR Draw the set-up of Two Electrode equivalent circuit. Explain the process for measurement of biopotential and a half cell potential. [9] Describe the transducers which are used for biomedical applications with reference to following parameters i) Force, ii) Pressure, iii) Temperature. [9] What is Einthorens triangle? Explain its significance with the help of neat sketch. [8] Explain the working of ECG machine with isolated patient lead. [8] OR With the help of neat diagram, explain the finger plethysmography for peripheral pulse monitoring. [8] Describe the ultrasonic blood flow meters with neat diagrams. [8] What is vectorcardiography? Explain with typical normal loop patterns recorded in three planes on the direct writing vectorcardiograph. [8] Explain the working of bedside patient monitoring with necessary diagrams. [8] OR P.T.O. Q6) a) b) What are the basic requirements of implantable pacemaker? With the help of block diagram, explain the operations of ventricular synchronous demand pacemaker. [8] Explain the DC and AC defibrillators with necessary diagram. [8] SECTION - II Q7) a) b) Q8) a) b) Q9) a) b) Q10)a) b) Q11) a) b) Q12)a) b) Draw the neat block schematic of Flame photometer. Explain its working with its essential pacts. [9] Describe the operations of PCO2 machine with the help of neat sketch.[9] OR Name the different methods of cell counting. Explain any one in detail.[9] Explain the difference between medical CRO and conventional laboratory CRO. Explain the non-fade CRO and its features. [9] Draw the schematic diagram of an EEG machine. Explain with the help of pictorial representation of closely spaced electrodes. [8] Explain the 10-20 system of Electrode placement. [8] OR What are the different methods of EEG recording. Explain in detail. [8] Draw the block diagram of a typical EMG-set-up. Explain the procedure to perform EMG. [8] Explain the Basic steps required to form LASER Beam. [8] State the applications of LASER in Medicine. Explain any two applications in detail. [8] OR Define : [8] i) X-ray radiations. ii) Ionizing radiations. iii) Non-ionizing radiations. iv) Gamma radiations. Explain the Doppler ultrasound and 3-D ultrasound imaging in detail.[8] rrr [3664]-222 -2-

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