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Transportation Engineering - II (April 2010)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1307 [Total No. of Pages :4 [3764] - 120 B.E. (Civil) TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING - II (2003 Course) (401009) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks:100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer Q1 or Q2, Q3 or Q4 and Q5 or Q6 from section I and answer Q7 or Q8, Q9 or Q10 and Q11 or Q12 from Section II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables, is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) What are the various characteristics of Road Transport? Also, state clearly the scope of Highway Engineering for the present era. [5] b) Highlight the salient features of Bombay Road development plan. [4] c) Explain how origin and Destination studies are carried out. [4] d) Write a brief note on Road user and vehicular characteristics. [4] OR Q2) a) Write short note on : i) Classification of Roads. ii) Different Road patterns. [4] b) Write an explanatory note on 3rd 20 year Road development plan [5] c) Explain how you will carry out spotspeed studies, by taking a suitable example. [5] d) State the data that are to be collected during Accident studies. [3] Q3) a) Discuss the various factors controlling Highway alignment with suitable sketches. [6] b) Explain with suitable sketches, the various situations that are to be considered in the design for sight distance. [6] P.T.O. c) Carry out the analysis of overtaking sight distance. [5] OR Q4) a) What is an Ideal transition curve? State clearly and hence explain how the length of transition curve is determined? [5] b) Write short note on Highway drainage. c) A valley curve is formed by a descending grade of 1 in 25 meeting an ascending grade of 1 in 30. Design the length of valley curve to ful fill both comfort condition and headlight sight distance requirements for a design speed of 80 KMPH. Assume allowable rate of change of centrifugal [8] acceleration = 0.60 m/sec2/sec. Q5) a) Discuss the various design factors to be considered in the design of pavement. [4] Ennumerate the various points recommended by IRC : 37 - 1970 for the C.B.R. method of design of pavements. [6] Explain the westergaards stress equations for wheel Loads at all the 3 [6] regions of a cement concrete pavement. b) c) [4] OR Q6) a) b) c) Write a note on development of nursery for planting of trees on road sides for road side development. [4] With the aid of neat sketches explain the Design of Joints in cement concrete pavements. [6] Explain W.B.M road construction w.r.t the following : i) Gradation of aggregates. ii) Equipments and Machinery required. iii) Construction details. [6] SECTION - II Q7) a) b) Describe the following aircraft characteristics in detail i) Size of aircraft. ii) Minimum turning radius. [6] Discuss the types of surveys to be carried out for site selection for an airport. [4] [3764]-120 2 c) The runway length required for Landing at sealevel in standard atmospheric conditions is 3000m. Runway length required for take off at a level site at sea level in standard atmospheric conditions is 2500m. Aerodrome reference temp. is 25 C and that of the standard atmosphere at aerodrome elevation of 150 m is 14.025 C. If the effective runway gradient is 0.5%, determine the runway length to be provided. [7] OR Q8) a) b) Discuss the general considerations during the selection of site for a heliport and Also, sketch a typical layout of Heliport. [6] Explain the following : i) Wind rose type II. ii) Factors affecting Airport capacity. [6] c) Classify the Airport as per ICAO and hence state the specifications for geometric design elements of runway as per ICAO. [5] Q9) a) Explain the Indirect method of Determining the maximum flood discharge. [5] b) State the preventive measures to minimise the effect of scour. c) With the aid of a neat dimensioned sketch explain how IRC class A Loading is considered on bridges? [5] d) Give neat sketches of i) column bent pier ii) pile bent pier. [3] [4] OR Q10)a) Derive the formula for Economic span. Also state the assumptions. [5] b) A bridge is proposed to be constructed across an alluvial stream carrying a discharge of 250 m3/sec. Assuming the value of silt factor, f = 1.00, Determine the maximum scour depth when the bridge consists of i) 4 spans each of 20 mtr and ii) 3 spans each of 20 mtr. [6] c) Write an illustrative sketch of an abutmentpier. [3] d) State the various forces acting on an Abutment. [3] Q11)a) State the functions of bearings used in bridges and also enlist the types of bearings. [4] b) Discuss the different techniques of errection of bridges. [4] c) Draw a neat labelled sketches of i) Pipe culvert ii) Box culvert. [4] d) Explain in brief i) continuous bridges ii) cable stayed bridges. [4] [3764]-120 3 OR Q12)a) Highlight the advantages of suspension bridges. [4] b) Write short note on Maintenance of bridges. [4] c) Draw a neat labelled sketches of i) cut boat bridges ii) swing bridges.[4] d) Differentiate between. [1 each] i) Free bearing and fixed bearing. ii) Rocker bearing and Expansion bearing. iii) Culvert and a bridge. iv) Deck bridges and Through bridges. kbkb [3764]-120 4

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Additional Info : April 2010 Examination - Transportation Engineering - II (2003 Course)
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, April 2010, Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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