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Structural Design - III (October 2009)

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Total No. of Questions : 8] P931 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3664]-104 B.E. (Civil) STRUCTURAL DESIGN - III (2003 Course) Time : 4 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer Q1 or Q2, Q3 or Q4 in section - I. 2) Answer Q5 or Q6, Q7 or Q8 in section - II. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of IS 1343, IS 456, IS 3370 & non programmable calculator is allowed. 6) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 7) Assume any other data if necessary & mention it at the starting of the answer. 8) Mere reproduction from IS Code as answer, will not be given full credit. 9) Assume any other data, if required. SECTION - I Q1) a) A mild steel plate of cross section 10 mm x 50 mm, of length 1.5 m is supporting a load of 120 N through a spring having stiffness k = 100N/ mm as shown in fig(1). Calculate the natural frequency of the system if modulus of elasticity of mild steel is 200Gpa. [8] b) A post tensioned prestressed concrete beam section has top flange 480 x 150, web 120 x 380 and bottom flange 350 x 330 mm, is simply supported over a effective span of 18 m and carries a super imposed load of 14 kN/m over entire span. Calculate extreme fiber stresses in concrete at midspan at initial and final stage. The 3 No. of 12/7 Freyssinet cables having zero eccentricity at supports and c.g. area of steel at 80 mm from soffit of the section and are stressed to initial prestress of 930 Mpa. Take loss ratio as 0.82 and unit weight concrete as 25 kN/m .[17] P.T.O. OR Q2) a) Explain in brief with sketches: i) Single degree of freedom system. ii) [8] Critical damping. b) A post tensioned prestressed concrete beam section has top flange 500 x 150, web 125 x 600 and bottom flange 280 x 250 mm, is simply supported over a effective span of 16 m. The beam is prestressed with 5 No. of 12/5 Freyssinet parabolic cables with their c.g. at 100 mm from extreme bottom fiber, stressed one at a time from both ends. Calculate total loss of prestress at the age of 100 days, if initial prestress is 1030 Mpa, coefficient friction=0.28, k=0.0026/m length of cable, slip of anchorage =1.5mm, Cc=2.0, Es=2 X 105 Mpa, concrete grade = M40, Creep and relaxation of steel = 2% of initial prestress. [17] Q3) Design a post tensioned prestressed concrete rectangular or I section beam for flexure to carry a live load of 14 kN/m over entire simply supported span of 15.5 m with M45 grade of concrete and Freyssinet cables of 12/5 (fy = 1750 Mpa) or 12/7 (fy = 1500 Mpa), including the design of end block. Draw sketches showing cable profiles and end block reinforcement details. Checks for stresses in concrete and shear are required. [25] OR Q4) a) State and explain the remedies to reduce losses in PSC beams. [8] b) A post tensioned prestressed concrete continuous beam ABC as shown in fig(2) is prestressed with initial prestressing force of 1250 kN. The cross section of the beam is 230mm x 800mm. The loads shown are exclusive of dead load. Locate centerline of thrust under prestress plus dead load also & make it concordant stating the shift of cable at salient points find the stresses in concrete at extreme fibers at intermediate support. Take loss ratio of 0.85, AD= DB= 10m and BE= 7m, EC= 13m. The eccentricities at A&C= 0, at D= 240mm (downwards), at [17] B= 150mm (upwards), and at D = 300 mm (downwards). [3664]-104 -2- SECTION - II Q5) a) Write detailed note on approximate methods of analysis. [8] b) Analyze a rigid jointed frame shown in fig(3) by portal method for lateral loads. Flexural rigidity for all members is same. Analyze beam GHI using proper substitute frame, if it is subjected to vertical ultimate live & dead load incl. of its self wt. intensities of 12kN/m & 15kN/m on GH and 13kN/m & 17kN/m on HI respectively. Calculate max. span moment for span HI and support moment at H. Design section for combined effect of vertical and horizontal Loads. Adopt 15% redistribution of moments for vertical load moments. Use M20, Fe500. [17] OR Q6) a) Write detailed note on calculations of earthquake forces on RCC building. [8] b) Analyze a rigid jointed frame shown in fig(4) by cantilever method for lateral loads. Flexural rigidity for all members is same. Analyze beam GHI using proper substitute frame, if it is subjected to vertical ultimate live & dead load incl. of its self wt. intensities of 20kN/m & 18kN/m on GH and 16kN/m & 15kN/m on HI respectively. Calculate max. span moment for span HI and support moment at H. Design section for combined effect of vertical and horizontal Loads. Adopt 10% redistribution of moments for vertical load moments. Use M20, Fe500. [17] [3664]-104 -3- Q7) a) Draw exaggerated bent shape of wall of circular water tank fixed at base slab showing all details. [5] b) Design reinforced concrete combined rectangular footing for two columns A & B carrying working loads 500 kN and 750 kN respectively. Column A is 230mm x 300mm size and Column B is 230mm x 400mm size. Centre to centre distance of columns is 3.2 m. Safe bearing capacity 160 kN/m . Use M20 and TMT steel. Draw all details of reinforcements. [20] OR Q8) Design a L shaped retaining wall for leveled backfill for the following data. height = 4.8m, = 30 , = 18 kN/m , surcharge = 20 kN/m , Safe bearing capacity of the underlying strata = 180 kN/m , The coefficient friction between the base slab and the underlying strata = 0.55. Draw lateral pressure diagram and details of reinforcement of stem and base showing curtailment if any. [25] W [3664]-104 -4-

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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