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Foundation Engineering (Theory) (October 2010)

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Total No. of Questions :12] P1032 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3864] - 121 B.E. (Civil) FOUNDATION ENGINEERING (401010) (2003 Course) (Theory) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer three questions from section I & three questions from section II. 2) Answer to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn whenever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Your answers will be valued as a whole. 6) Use of pocket calculator is allowed. 7) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Describe the standard penetration test explaining its application in foundation engineering. [7] b) Distinguish between disturbed & undisturbed samples. [4] c) With a neat sketch explain the procedure of seismic method of exploration. [6] OR Q2) a) Discuss how would you plan a subsurface exploration programme. What are the factors you must consider for subsurface exploration. [7] b) What is the significance of area ratio as applied to soil samplers. c) What are the factors that influence the depth & number of exploratory holes. [6] Q3) a) Define the terms normal consolidation, over consolidation & preconsolidation pressure. [6] b) [4] Discuss with sketches the following. Compressibility characteristics. P.T.O. i) ii) Coefficient of compressibility. iii) c) Pressure-void ratio relation. Degree of consolidation. [6] A consolidation test on a sample of clay having thickness of 2.3cm indicates that half the ultimate compression occurs in the first 5 minutes. Under similar conditions, how long will be required for a building on a 6m layer of the same clay to experience half of its final settlement? [5] OR Q4) a) A settlement analysis carried out for a proposed structure indicates that 9cm of settlement will occur in 5 years & the final settlement will be 45cm based on double drainage condition. A detailed site investigation indicates that only single drainage exists. Estimate the settlement at end of 5 years for the changed condition use T = b) 4 U2. [9] Discuss the validity of assumptions made in the theory of consolidation. [4] c) Q5) a) What is pressure bulb, discuss about it with diagram. [4] Explain the method of conducting a field plate load test on following points: i) Objective of the test. ii) Procedure of the test. iii) Neat sketch. iv) Interpretation of results. [8] b) Explain how water table influences the bearing capacity. [4] c) A square footing of 2.5m 2.5m size has been founded at 1.2m below the ground level in a cohesive soil having a bulk density of 18 kN/m3 and an unconfined compressive strength of 55 kN/m2. Determine the ultimate & safe bearing capacity of the footing for a factor of safety 2.5, by Terzaghi s theory. [4] OR Q6) a) b) State different modes of shear failure & their characteristics with the help of neat sketches. [6] Explain the concept of floating foundation with a neat sketch. [5] [3864]-121 2 c) Q7) a) b) c) Q8) a) b) Q9) a) b) c) Q10)a) b) c) The results of two plate load tests performed on a given location with two circular plates are given below. i) Dia. = 750 mm, S = 15 mm, Q = 150 kN. ii) Dia. = 300 mm, S = 15 mm, Q = 50 kN. Determine the load on a circular footing of 1.2m diameter that will cause a settlement of 15mm. [5] SECTION - II Indicate the circumtances under which the pile foundations are used for building construction. [4] Explain with a sketch the concept of negative skin friction & state how would you determine the same in non-cohesive soil. [6] A pile group of 25 piles has to be proportioned in a uniform pattern in soft clay with equal spacing in all directions. Assuming the value of Cu to be constant throughout the depth of the piles, determine the optimum value of spacing of piles in the group. Assume = 0.7. Neglect end bearing effect, & assume the piles to be circular. [7] OR Draw a neat sketch of pneumatic caisson, lable various parts & explain its working. [9] Explain with sketches, various difficulties likely to be faced & the remedial measures to counteract the same during sinking of well foundation. [8] Write a short note explaining method of determining of swelling potentials of a soil. How will you use the results. [6] State formula to find bearing capacity of a under reamed piled foundation in cohesive soil. [3] Enlist the principles followed during design of foundation on Black cotton soil. Also explain the remedial measure which you will take for a building damaged due to foundation on expansive soil. [8] OR Discuss earth pressure distribution for cantilever sheet pile in cohesive soil. [5] Compare in tabular form cantilever & anchored sheet piles on five different points. [6] In cantilever sheet pile how would you calculate the depth of embedment by approximate analysis. Explain with sketch. [6] [3864]-121 3 Q11)a) b) c) d) Q12)a) b) c) Write note on liquifaction & its effects. [4] Explain Geogrid & Geocomposite with sketches. [4] Write a detailed note on types of earthquakes with suitable examples. [4] [4] Explain factors influencing ground motion with sketches. OR Enlist different functions of Geosynthetics with sketches & explain any two of them in details. [6] Write detailed note on requirements of reinforced soil mechanism. [5] State & explain important factors affecting liquifaction of soil. [5] jjj [3864]-121 4

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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