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Foundation Engineering (Theory) (October 2009)

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Total No. of Questions : 6] P966 [Total No. of Pages :4 [3664] - 121 B.E. (Civil) FOUNDATION ENGINEERING (2003 Course) (401010) (Theory) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) [Max. Marks:100 Answer three questions from Section I and three questions from Section II. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Your answers will be valued as a whole. Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) What are the objectives of soil investigation? [4] How would you plan subsurface exploration for an important building project. [4] c) Describe chunk sampling with a neat sketch. [4] d) Explain the working of a piston sampler. [5] OR a) Define the terms : i) Area ratio iii) Significant depth ii) Density index iv) Recovery ratio. [4] b) What are the factors that influence the depth and number of exploratory holes. [4] c) Describe the standard penetration test explaining its applications in foundation engineering. [6] d) What is the corrected blow count in a fine saturated sand if the recorded blow count is 38? [3] P.T.O. Q2) a) What is contact pressure? Sketch the contact pressure distribution for a rigid base for i) Clay soil ii) Sandy soil. [6] b) Distinguish between i) Elastic settlement and consolidation settlement ii) Uniform settlement and differential settlement. [6] c) Determine the settlement of a footing 2m 3m carrying a load of 1250 kN if a plate load test (0.3m square) on the same soil gave the settlement of 3mm under a load of 25 kN (Take Is = 1.2 for footing & 0.95 for plate). [5] OR a) Enlist the causes of foundation settlement. b) Explain in brief consolidation test and enlist the consolidation parameters obtained from test result. [6] c) A normally consolidated clay layer of 3m thickness is sandwitched between two permeable layers. The liquid limit & the initial void ratio of the clay are 36% and 0.82 respectively, while the initial overburden pressure at the middle of the clay layer is 2kg/cm2. Due to the construction of a new building this pressure increases by 1.5 kg/cm2. Find consolidation settlement of the building. [7] Q3) a) Define the terms : ultimate, net and safe bearing capacity. [4] [3] b) With neat sketches explain the terms : punching shear, local shear and [6] general shear failures. c) State and explain Terzaghi s bearing capacity equation. d) Determine the net bearing capacity of a footing 2m 3m resting on a saturated clay ( = 0) with unconfined strength of 35 kN/m2. Depth of footing is 2.5m. [3] [4] OR a) Explain plate load test with a neat sketch and explain how the test results are used to find bearing capacity of soil as per IS criteria. [8] b) Explain allowable soil pressure and enlist methods to obtain the same.[4] c) Explain perimeter shear concept as suggested by Housel. [4] SECTION - II Q4) a) Draw a neat cross section of arrangement of pile load test by showing all component parts, name them properly and also enlist the test procedure [3664]-121 2 in ten steps. [6] b) Explain three types of settlements with load settlement curve and also explain the method of calculating working load from test data by 3 different methods as suggested by Indian standards. [6] c) Explain with suitable sketches method of installation of bored and cast in situ pile in ten steps. [5] OR a) Explain with sketches method of calculating settlement of pile group in clays. [6] b) In connection with drilled pier explain with sketches i) Necessity. ii) Equipment used for boring. iii) Equipment used for widening base. [6] c) Explain with sketches the following difficulties met during sinking of well. i) Sand blow ii) Rectification of tilt. [5] Q5) a) Draw a neat sketch of three strutted braced sheet pile wall excavation of height H and show there on as well as explain soil pressure on it when backfill is i) Dense sand ii) Clay. [6] b) A cantilever sheet pile of height H above the dredge line and with D as depth of embedment, assuming approximate pressure distribution work out depth [6] of embedment in terms of H, Ka, Kp (with usual conversions) c) Draw a sketch of anchored sheet pile, driven to shallow depth and another driven to deep depth. Explain the comparision of deflection of these two cases for i) At top of pile ii) At junction of anchor iii) At point of contraflexure iv) At bottom. [5] OR a) Explain with suitable sketches i) Differential free swell as a concept ii) Classification of expansive soil as suggested by Indian standards and based on DFS iii) How would you measure the same in laboratory. [6] b) State and explain five important recommendations for building foundation in B.C. soil. [6] c) Draw a neat sketch of double under reamed pile giving details of dimension and state how would you work out its load bearing capactiy. [5] [3664]-121 3 Q6) a) Define, explain and compare with sketches in tabular form two types of body waves. [4] b) Explain four different types of earthquake scales used in engineering practice. [4] c) Explain with sketches two types of liquefaction. [4] d) Explain four effects of liquefaction on built environment. [4] OR a) Explain with sketches four important functions of geosynthetics. b) Explain with sketches four different types of geosynthetic fibres indicate their symbols and use. [4] c) Explain with sketches four failure mechanisms to check external stability of reinforced earth. [4] d) Explain with sketches components of nailed soil wall and its construction. [4] kbkb [3664]-121 4 [4]

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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