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Transportation Engineering - II (October 2009)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3664] - 120 P936 B.E. (Civil) TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING - II (2003 Course) (401009) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer Q1 or Q2; Q3 or Q4; Q5 or Q6 from Section-I and Q7 or Q8; Q9 or Q10 and Q11 or Q12 from Section-II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) c) Discuss the necessity of Highway planning and hence explain the various stages involved during the planning survey under highway project. [2+4] What are the basis on which the Indian roads are classified? State clearly and briefly describe with suitable sketches any 2 types of road patterns. [3+3] Various traffic control devices are very essential for smooth control of daily routine traffic (vehicular) especially in big cities. Discuss the validity of the statement giving suitable examples. [6] OR Q2) a) b) c) Q3) a) b) c) d) Discuss the various steps that are to be followed while determining the road lengths of various categories of roads by 3 rd 2 0 year road development plan. [8] Write short note on road patterns & their suitability . [4] Describe the various Road user and vehicular characteristics. [6] Discuss the basic requirements of an Ideal alignment and also, various obligatory factors which control during the alignment works. [2+3] Write short note on Highway drainage. [3] Carryout the analysis of mechanical widening with the help of a neat sketch. [4] Calculate the minimum sight distance required to avoid a head on collision of 2 cars approaching from the opposite direction, if both the P.T.O. cars are speeding at 90 kph. Assume a total perception and brake reaction time of 2.5 secs, coefficient of friction of 0.70 and a brake efficiency of 50%. [4] OR Q4) a) b) c) d) Q5) a) b) c) d) What is superelevation? Why it is necessary? State the minimum and maximum values of super elevation as per Indian Roads Congress. (IRC). [4] What do you understand by Grade compensation and curve resistance? State clearly. Also state how these are accounted? [5] Write short note on types of gradients and their specification as per I.R.C. [4] Explain PIEV theory with the help of a sketch. [3] What do you mean by the term ESWL? State its importance giving an example. [4] Explain C.B.R method of design of flexible pavements. [4] Write a neat sketch of an apparatus used to perform crushing strength test on aggregate sample stating the size of the aggregate sample used. [4] Enlist all the tests that are to be performed on Bituminous material. Also [4] state in general, the importance of such tests to be performed. OR Q6) a) b) c) d) Distinguish between flexible and Rigid pavements. Also describe the wester gaards analysis of Temperature stresses. [4] Write an explanatory note on the construction procedure of W.B.M. roads. [4] Discuss all the factors which affects the pavement design. [4] Define or explain the following : [1 Each] i) Modulus of subgrade reaction. ii) Radius of relative stiffness. iii) Radius of resisting section. iv) Frictional stresses. [3664] - 120 -2- SECTION - II Q7) a) b) c) What is an Aircraft? State its characteristics and explain any 2 in brief.[6] The following data refers to the proposed longitudinal section of runway. End to end of Runway Gradient 0.0 to 5.0 chains + 1.0% 5.0 to 15.0 1.0% 15.0 to 30.0 +0.8% 30.0 to 40.0 +0.2% if one metric chain is of 20 mtr. length, determine the effective gradient of runway. [4] With the aid of a neat suitable sketch, describe the orientation of Runway by WIND ROSE TYPE - II. [7] OR Q8) a) b) c) Q9) a) b) c) d) Enlist all the Geometric design elements of runway and state their specifications as per ICAO. [7] Define the following terms [4] i) Airport reference temperature. ii) Wind Rose. iii) Calm period. iv) Airport capacity. With the help of a neat sketch, describe the three controls used to monitor the air craft movements in space. [6] Discuss the various forces coming over bridge pier and also state the conditions of stability. [3] What is height of afflux? State also its importance and hence calculate the height of afflux from the following particulars. [5] i) Normal velocity of flow in a river is 1.50 m/sec. ii) The normal and artificial waterway under the bridge and enlarged area upstream of the bridge are respectively 8000 m2, 7000 m2 and 10,000 m2. Assume g = 9.81m/sec2. Use merriman s formula. Also find increase in velocity. Give detail classification of bridges stating clearly on which these depend? [4] Sketch and label the parts of the following : [5] i) Solid pier. ii) Trestle bent. OR [3664] - 120 -3- Q10)a) b) c) Q11)a) b) c) d) Make a list of any Eight and briefly discuss any four loads that are acting simultaneously on bridge structure. [6] Write a note on : [6] i) Abutmentpier. ii) Preventive measure to minimise the effect of scour. iii) Free board and clearance. Discuss how the design flood discharge can be estimated by Direct method. [5] Differentiate between : i) Fixed and free bearings. ii) Slab culvert and pipe culverts. iii) Deck and through bridges. iv) Culvert and Bridge. Write a neat labelled sketches of i) Stay cabled bridges. ii) Bascule bridges. Explain the different techniques of errection of bridges. Write a note on types of bearings. [1 Each] [4] [4] [4] OR Q12)a) b) c) d) Write an explanatory note on Maintenance of bridges. Draw a neat sketches of the following & label the parts. i) Box culvert. ii) Knuckle bearing. State the importance of i) Cantilever bridges. ii) Suspension bridges. iii) Rigid frame bridges. iv) Movable span bridges. State various functions of bearings for bridges. [3664] - 120 -4- [4] [4] [4] [4]

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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