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Advanced Concrete Technology (Elective II) (October 2009)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P963 [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3664]-112 B.E. (Civil) ADVANCED CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY (Elective - II) (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answer any three questions from each Section. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Your answers will be valued as a whole. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Compare the fly ash and silica flume cement with Portland pozolana cement. [5] b) Explain the role of each compound during hydration process of cement.[5] c) Explain the concept of blended cement with respective to chemistry of reaction of cement and effect due to blending of cement on concrete.[6] OR Q2) a) What do you understand by gel space ratio. [5] b) What is maturity concept related to concrete. [5] c) Explain relationship between aggregate and cement bond strength. [6] Q3) a) Explain waste material based concrete. [5] b) What is carbonation of concrete? Explain rate of carbonation and factors affecting it. [5] c) Explain how to obtain vacuum concrete and mass concrete. [6] OR P.T.O. Q4) a) Explain jet cement concrete. [5] b) Explain no fine concrete. [5] c) Explain high strength concrete and high performance concrete. [6] Q5) a) Design fly ash cement concrete mix, M40 by IS 10262-1982 for following data. [12] Characteristic strength of concrete after 28 days = 40 MPa, Slump = 50 mm, Maximum size of aggregate = 20 mm, Fine aggregates confirm to Zone - II. Cement Grade = 53 Specific gravity of cement = 3.15 and that of both aggregates = 2.7, Compaction factor = 0.9. Quality control = good, type of exposure = mild, Water absorption for both aggregate = 1%, free moisture content = 2%. b) Design light weight concrete mix of any grade mentioning proper proportions of materials used. Use any method for design with following [6] data. Slump = 70 mm, size of aggregate available = 12 and 20 mm, Fine aggregates confirm to Zone - II. Cement Grade = 53 Specific gravity of cement = 3.15 and that of aggregates = 2.7 Compaction factor = 0.9. Quality control = good, type of exposure = mild, Water absorption for both aggregate = 1%, free moisture content = 2%. OR Q6) a) Explain importance and procedure of pull out test for hardened concrete at field. [5] b) Explain nuclear method and infrared thermography non destructive test on concrete. [5] c) Explain following methods of non destructive testing. i) Ground penetration Radar. ii) Break off maturity method. [3664] - 112 2 [8] SECTION - II Q7) a) Explain the historical development of fibre reinforced concrete till today. [5] b) Explain the role of metallic fibre in concrete related to tension and bending property. [5] c) Explain the effect of fiber type, volume fraction and specimen size and notch on fiber composites toughness. [6] OR Q8) a) Explain use of naturally occurring fibres in concrete and in mud houses. [5] b) Explain any two mechanical properties improved by addition of fibres in concrete. [5] c) Explain the major parameter affecting fiber interaction with homogeneous [6] uncracked matrix with axial stress and shear stress. Q9) a) Describe the behaviour of polymeric FRC under compression and tension. [5] b) Explain the development and use of GFRC and SIFCON. [5] c) Write a brief technical report of site you visited, with reference to type of product manufactured, specifications of material used, Analysis and design principals involved, Testing methodology adopted and Quality control. [6] OR Q10)a) Describe the behaviour of steel FRC under compression and tension.[5] b) Enlist the different light weight material used for civil construction and state the physical properties of any one in detail. [5] c) Write a brief technical report of site you visited, with reference to type of product manufactured, specifications of material used, Analysis and design principals involved, Testing methodology adopted and Quality control. [6] [3664] - 112 3 Q11)a) Explain the techniques and construction of G + 10 building using element / panels of Precast concrete construction. Draw the sketches of joint connection between beam to beam, beam to column, column to column, joint between slab units, etc. [10] b) Write a brief note on Ferro - cement with respect to productivity, properties and application. [4] c) Explain the design, construction and testing of any precast element to be used for building. [4] OR Q12)a) Explain the details of any industrial Precast concrete product with reference to the Material required, Analysis and design principals, Manufacturing method with flow chart, Testing methodology and Quality control. [10] b) Explain different errection and assembly techniques in precast concrete [4] construction. c) Explain the design, construction and testing of any precast element to be [4] used for bridge. Y [3664] - 112 4

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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