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Foundation Engineering (Theory) (April 2010)

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Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 4 [3764]-121 P1308 B.E. (Civil) FOUNDATION ENGINEERING (401010) (2003) (Theory) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answer 3 questions from Section I and 3 questions from Section II . 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Your answers will be valued as a whole. 6) Use of logarithmic tables slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 7) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Compare in tabular form static and dynamic cone penetration tests in respect of i) Sketches with component parts. ii) Procedure. iii) Limitations. b) [6] In connection with standard penetration test, answer the following: i) Draw a sketch and indicate dimensions. ii) Procedure in short. iii) Relation of corrected blow count (N) with recorded blow count (NR) for saturated silt and fine sand. [6] c) Calculate corrected blow count for recorded blow count of 32 and comment on results. [5] OR a) For Seismic method answer the following: i) Principle. ii) [6] Procedure with a sketch. iii) Interpretation of test result. P.T.O. b) For resistivity method discuss the following: i) Principle. ii) [6] Procedure with a sketch. iii) Interpretation of test result. c) Find out depth of overburden from the following data: i) Velocity V1 in upper strata 600 m/s. ii) [5] Velocity V2 in lower strata 4000 m/s. iii) Distance D from graph - 30 m comment on result. Q2) a) State and explain Janbu s equation for average settlement of finite thickness of foundation bed. [6] b) Show by means of two sketches pressure distribution for point load and distributed load on surface. Upto what extent the pressure bulbs are considered to be significant? What is the specific use of pressure bulbs.[6] c) Determine the elastic settlement of square footing from the following data: i) Load on foundation 2250 kN. ii) Width of foundation 1.5 m. iii) Depth of foundation 1.0 m. iv) Modulus of elasticity 50,000 kN/m2. v) Poisson s ratio = 0.25. vi) Use IS = 0.82. For this case workout load on foundation if settlement is limited to 10mm. [5] OR a) Explain with sketches spring analogy method of consolidation process.[6] b) Explain with a sketch determination of coefficient of consolidation by using square root of time fitting method. [6] c) Define preconsolidation pressure and explain with a sketch how would you determine the same. [5] Q3) a) [3764]-121 State and explain Hansen s bearing capacity equation. 2 [6] b) Explain with a sketch effect of water table on bearing capacity of soil by considering two conditions namely water table above / below foundation. [6] c) Explain with a sketch the effect of biaxial eccentric loading on bearing capacity of soil. [4] OR A plate load test (gravity loading) is to be conducted on soil to estimate allowable soil pressure. For this proposal. a) Draw a neat sketch of layout in section and name components. [6] b) Indicate stepwise procedure. [6] c) Plot load settlement curves for C & Q soil and state how would you calculate safe load from the same. [4] SECTION - II Q4) a) With a neat sketch explain the load carrying mechanism of friction piles and end bearing pile. [6] b) With a neat sketch explain construction of bored cast-insitu concrete piles. [5] c) A group of 10 piles 300 mm 8 m arranged in three rows (3 + 4 + 3) are spaced at 1.0 m centre to centre. Determine the group capacity using converse -Labarre s formula and Loss Angeles formula. [6] OR a) Draw a neat sketch of well foundation showing its different component parts. [6] b) Explain sand island method for Caisson sinking, with a neat sketch. [6] c) What is Caisson disease? Mention what precautions should be taken to avoid Caisson disease. [5] Q5) a) What is a sheet pile wall? Explain cantilever sheet pile wall and anchored sheet pile wall with sketches. [6] b) Draw a pressure distribution diagram for a cantilever sheet pile wall in granular soil. [6] c) With examples, explain the application of sheet pile walls. OR [3764]-121 3 [5] a) With a neat diagram of experimental setup, explain how swelling pressure of soil is determined. [6] b) Enlist the design principles & techniques to be adopted for construction on black cotton soils. [5] c) With a neat sketch explain construction of under reamed concrete piles. [6] Q6) a) Enlist the types of earthquakes and the Seismic waves due to earthquake. [6] b) What is liquefaction? Explain effect of liquefaction on built environment. [6] c) Write briefly on liquefaction hazard mitigation. [4] OR a) What are geosynthetics? Enlist various functions that can be performed by geosynthetics. [6] b) What is reinforced earth wall? Draw a neat sketch of reinforced earth wall. [6] c) Enlist different types of Geosynthetics, their functions & applications in a tabular form. [4] Y [3764]-121 4

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Additional Info : April 2010 Examination - Foundation Engineering (Theory) (2003 Course)
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, April 2010, Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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