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Quantity Surveying Contracts & Tenders (April 2010)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 6 [3764]-103 P1298 B.E. (Civil) QUANTITY SURVEYING CONTRACTS & TENDERS (2003 Course) Time : 4 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answer Q. 1 or Q. 2, Q. 3 or Q. 4, Q. 5 or Q. 6 from Section - I and Q. 7 or Q. 8, Q. 9 or Q. 10, Q. 11 or Q. 12 from Section - II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) Neat diagram must be drawn whenever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic calculator and steam tables is allowed. 6) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) Referring figure no. 1, workout the quantities of following items describing them fully in a format of measurement sheet. Fig. No. 1 P.T.O. Schedule for opening: Doors 1.2 2.1 01 no Doors 1.0 2.1 03 nos Windows 1.2 1.2 04 nos Windows 0.6 0.45 02 nos a) Excavation in foundation. b) UCR masonary in foundation and plinth. c) Brick masonary in super-structure. d) RCC in lintels, chajjas and slab. Consider uniform wall section for all main walls except partition walls of WC & bath. Lintel of size 0.3m 0.15m with bearing of 0.15m on either side is provided. [18] OR Q2) a) Figure no. 2, shows a RCC retaining wall. Workout quantities of various reinforcing bars in kg and tabulate the same as abstract. Assume length of the wall 6 m, hook length at each end of bar as nine times the diameter of bar, cover of 5 cm from all sides and development length or overlap of forty seven times the diameter of bar (wherever shown in fig.) [14] [3764]-103 -2- (Fig. No. 2 Retaining wall of length 6 m) Consider weight of bar per meter length as 6 - 0.22 kg/m, 10 - 0.62 kg/m, 12 - 0.89 kg/m, 16 - 1.58 kg/m and 20 - 2.47 kg/m. b) Explain the terms supplementary estimate and revised estimate. [4] Q3) a) Workout approximate estimate of a proposed five storied building with carpet area of 950 sq.m. at each floor. Consider following data : [8] i) Area occupied by walls as 10% of carpet area. ii) Area occupied by W.C. bath, staircases etc as 30% of carpet area. iii) The rate of construction per sq.m. of built-up area as Rs. 7000/-. Also make suitable provision for : i) Electrification. ii) Water supply & Sanitary items. iii) Contingencies. iv) Worked charged establishment cost. b) Write a short note on : [8] i) Approximate estimate of a road. ii) Approximate estimate of Lift irrigation scheme. OR Q4) a) What are reasons for preparing an approximate estimates? [4] b) List out the basic data required for preparation of an approximate estimate of any structure. [4] c) List out the basic data required for preparation of a detailed estimate of any structure. [4] d) Why an approximate estimate should not be too approximate? [4] Q5) a) Draft a detailed specification for providing and laying P.C.C. at bed of foundation trenches. [8] [3764]-103 -3- b) Explain the factors affecting the rate per unit quantity of any construction item. [4] c) Explain the term task work. State the task work for following items.[4] i) First class brickwork in cm 1 : 6 in super structure. ii) PCC (1 : 4 : 8) in plinth of a building. OR Q6) a) State importance and uses of specification. b) Workout rate per unit of measurement of following items. i) [10] 10 cm thick brick partion wall in cm 1 : 3 on ground floor. ii) [6] Cement plaster (12 mm thick) in cm 1 : 4. SECTION - II Q7) a) Explain the terms : i) Obsolescence iii) Depreciation [8] ii) Salvage value iv) Standard rent b) A concrete mixer is purchased for Rs. 4.00 lakh. Its estimated life is 10 years. Scrap value at the end of its life is Rs. 40,000/-. Using sinking fund method calculate the book value of mixer at the end of 5th and 8th years. Assume rate of interest of 6% for calculation of sinking fund.[8] c) Explain the term Year s Purchase . [2] OR Q8) a) What is capitalized value? Workout the capitalized value of the building based on the following data : [10] i) Total built up area 800 sq.m. and present gross rent Rs. 60/- per sq.m. per month. ii) Total out going 35% of the annual gross rent. iii) Expected future life = 40 years. iv) Area of plot = 500 sq.m. and it market rate Rs. 2500/- per sq.m. [3764]-103 -4- v) Expected rate of return on investment in building and land is 10% and 6% respectively. vi) Consider the reversionary value of the land and rate of interest on redumption of capital = 5%. b) Explain the land & building method of valuation. [6] c) Differentiate between cost & value of a property. [2] Q9) a) Explain the procedure adopted in PWD to obtain Administrative and Technical sanction of any work. [8] b) Compare Lump Sum Contract with Item Rate Contract with respect to : [8] i) Nature of agreement. ii) Contract documents required. iii) Mode of payments. iv) Advantages. OR Q10) a) Explain in brief : [8] i) Security deposite. ii) Comparative statement. iii) Liquidated damages. iv) Earnest money. b) Explain the unbalanced tender with suitable example. Q11) a) Explain in brief : [8] i) Time is an essence of contract. ii) Arbitration. iii) Defect liability period. iv) Termination of contract by breach. [3764]-103 [8] -5- b) State the different methods of execution of works in PWD. Explain rate list method. [8] OR Q12) Write short note on : [16] a) Secured advances. b) Pre tendering. c) BOT-need, scope and advantages. d) Global Tendering. rrrr [3764]-103 -6-

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Additional Info : April 2010 Examination - Quantity Surveying Contracts & Tenders (2003 Course)
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, April 2010, Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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