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Robotics (Elective II) (April 2010)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 4 P1556 [3764]-144 B.E. (Mech.) ROBOTICS (402050) (2003 Course) (Elective - II) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer 3 questions from Section-I and 3 questions from Section-II. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Figures to the right indicates full marks. 5) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator is allowed. SECTION - I Q1) a) Explain the relation between industrial automations and robotics. [4] b) A robot is less accurate but has good repeatability; another robot is accurate but poor in repeatability. Which robot will you select fori) spray painting operations, ii) spot welding operations. Justify your answers. [6] c) A frame {UVW} is located at a point P (15, 20, 10) with respect to {XYZ} having axis U opposite to Z axis, axis X parallel to V axis. Both frames are right handed. Determine location of point Q which is XYZ Q = (5, 15,25). [8] OR Q2) a) Write a note on playback robots. [4] b) Explain Denavit-Hartenberg parameters with suitable examples and sketch. [6] P.T.O. c) A moving frame is rotated about a fixed frame in the following manneri) rotation of 90 about U. ii) rotation of 180 about Z. iii) rotation of 90 about Y. iv) rotation of 90 about X. v) rotation of 90 about V. vi) rotation of 90 about U. A point has co-ordinates (15, 27, 38) with respect to moving frame. Map the point in the fixed frame. [8] Q3) a) A camera locates an object by, 0 1 1 0 camera T object = 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 75 1 20 0 1 The camera is then translated by 15 units along Z-axis of the object, and then rotated about its own X-axis by -90 . Determine the new relation between camera and object. [8] b) It is required to locate the end effector of the PUMA robot at (450, 550, 650) with orientation of axes as, i) X-axis of the end effector makes 60 with the Z-axis of the base frame. ii) Y-axis of the end effector is parallel to and in the same direction as X-axis of the base frame. iii) Z-axis of the end effector makes 60 with the Y-axis of the base frame. Get the inverse kinematics solution, with the link lengths as, L1 = 100, L2 = 500, L3 = 350, L4 = 250, L5 = 50, L6 = 75 and the end effector distance from the wrist is L7 = 60. [8] [3764]-144 -2- OR Q4) a) Explain considerations while [8] i) Attaching co-ordinate frames to the two distinct points for getting DH parameters. ii) Attaching co-ordinates frame to a joint. iii) Attaching a co-ordinate frame to a gripper with sliding fingers. b) A planner 3R manipulator has link lengths l1 = 100 mm, l2 = 80 mm and l3 = 60 mm. Determine its reachable workspace and state whether point (200, 100) is reached with 1 = 40 . If yes, what are the values of 2 and 3? If No, what should be minimum value of 1 so that the point will be reached by manipulator? [8] Q5) a) Explain different steps in trajectory planning. [6] b) A joint of six axis robot goes from initial angle of 20 to a final angle of 80 in 5 seconds. Using a third degree polynomial, calculate the joint angles at intervals of 1 second. Also calculate joints velocities and accelerations. Plot the joints angles, velocities and accelerations from 0 second to 5 second. [10] OR Q6) a) Explain the second order manipulator control system. [6] b) Write a note on industrial robot control system. [6] c) A spring mass system has m = 2, b = 4, and k = 7. What is the natural response of the system? Determine the gain in the position and velocity controls, so that the system will be critically damped with closed loop stiffness as 8. [4] SECTION - II Q7) a) Explain vacuum grippers, with reference to the principle, use and applications. [6] b) Discuss various considerations for selection of a gripper. [6] c) Explain typical vision system for a robot. [6] [3764]-144 -3- OR Q8) a) Write short note on, photosensors. [6] b) What is compliance? Explain active and passive compliance in brief. [6] c) A vacuum gripper is used to lift flat steel plate of dimensions 7 mm 600 mm 900 mm. The gripper uses to suction cups, 125 mm in diameter each, and they are located 450 mm apart for stability. Assume a factor of safety of 1.7 to allow for acceleration of the plate. Determine the negative pressure required to lift the plates if the density of steel is 8054.3 10 9 kg/mm3. [6] Q9) a) Explain with principle of operations, use of strain gauges for force sensing. [6] b) Write a note on redundant Robot. [4] c) Explain use of robot in plastic molding. [6] OR Q10) a) Explain different types of speed reduction & transmission systems used in robots. [6] b) Explain use of robot in the welding. [6] c) Write various technical features required of robot for spot welding and spray coating applications. [4] Q11) a) Explain various performance characteristics of hydraulic motors. [6] b) Write note on stepper motor. [6] c) Compare hydraulic & electrical actuator based on weight, resolution, [4] operating pressure and cost. OR Q12) a) Explain various methods used to enter the programming command [6] into the controller memory. b) Explain generations of robot programming languages. [4] c) Explain WAIT, DELAY, SIGNAL command with suitable examples. [6] rrr [3764]-144 -4-

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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