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Automobile Engineering (April 2010)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1317 [Total No. of Pages : 3 [3764]-149 B.E. (Mechanical) AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Answer three questions from Section I and three questions from Section II. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) Explain with help of neat sketch any one typical layout for an automobile engine and describe its advantages and drawbacks over other layouts.[8] b) List essential parts of the exhaust system. State their function each. [8] OR Q2) a) What are vehicle specifications? Explain classification of vehicles and chassis. Describe specification of any one light motor vehicle of your choice. [8] b) Explain classification of clutch. Describe with neat sketch function and [8] working of multiplate clutch. Q3) The coefficient of rolling resistance for a vehicle weighing 7500 kg is 0.016 and the coefficient of air resistance is 0.0028 in the formula R = kW + KaAV2 where Frontal area in M2, V is speed in kmph. The transmission efficiency in the top gear is 5.5 : 1 is 90% and that in second gear of 11 : 1 is 80%. The Frontal area is 5.57 M2. If the vehicle has maximum speed of 85 kmph in top gear, find engine power. If effective wheel diameter is 90 cm, find engine speed. Also determine the maximum grade the vehicle can negotiate at the above engine speed in second gear, as well as maximum draw bar pull on level at above engine speed in second gear. [16] OR P.T.O. Q4) a) Explain in detail various resistances to the motion of vehicle, tractive effort & performance curve for a vehicle. [8] b) Describe working of synchromesh gear box with neat diagram and also state its advantages. [8] Q5) a) Give the purpose of motor vehicle suspension. What are the advantages of independent suspension over solid axle suspension. [6] b) Explain briefly air suspension system used in automobiles. [6] c) Explain the constructional aspects of the rear leaf spring suspension system. [6] OR Q6) Write short note on the following (any three) : [18] a) Sprung weight and on sprung weight. b) Torque convertor. c) Self levelling suspension. d) Automatic Transmission. e) Clutch lining material. SECTION - II Q7) a) Explain the steering geometry and the effect of any two angles on the dynamics of the vehicle. [8] b) Discuss the constructional details of cross play tyres. [8] OR Q8) a) What are different types of wheels used in automobiles. Discuss their relative merits. [8] b) Describe with the help of sketch the working of power steering unit. [8] Q9) a) Explain with neat sketch construction of propellor shaft. [6] b) Indicate the differences between semi floating axle, three quarter floating axle and full floating axle. [6] c) Describe constant velocity universal joint used in automobiles. OR [3764]-149 2 [4] Q10) a) What is a non slip differential or differential lock? Describe its operation.[6] b) Explain with neat sketch construction of stub axle and wheel mounting.[6] c) How can gear ratio of a final drive be determined? [4] Q11) a) With neat sketch explain the construction and operation of hydraulic brake system. [6] b) Sketch and describe the components and the operation of a battery used in automobile. [6] c) For following troubles describe in short what are causes and remedies.[6] i) Failure of the petrol engine to start. ii) Increased fuel consumption. OR Q12) Write short note on the following (any three) : a) Preventive maintenance in automobiles. b) Anti skid braking system. c) Vacuum Advance in Ignition system. d) Spark plug. e) Cut out. [3764]-149 3 [18]

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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