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Mechatronics (October 2009)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P969 [Total No. of Pages :3 [3664] - 124 B.E. (Mechanical) MECHATRONICS (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) [Max. Marks:100 Answer three questions from Section I and three questions from Section II. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Q1) a) b) c) Explain the various elements in mechatronics system with suitable example. [8] Explain the following terms : i) Hysteresis ii) Reproducibility. Explain with a neat sketch the working principle of Rotameter. [4] [4] OR Q2) a) b) Explain with a neat sketch the working principle of constant current anemometer and constant temperature anemometer. [8] Write a short note on : [4] i) Threshold ii) Sensitivity. c) Compare the characteristics of any two pressure measuring devices. [4] Q3) a) Explain the working principle of LVDT along with its advantages and limitations. [8] b) Write a short note on : i) Load cell ii) Pyrometers. [8] OR P.T.O. Q4) a) Explain any two transducers for level measurement. [6] b) Explain the working principle of Thermocouple and state its advantages and limitations. [6] c) Explain temperature compensation technique used in strain gauge circuits. [4] Q5) a) Explain building blocks of Thermal system. [6] b) Compare feed back and feed forward control system. [6] c) Derive the model equation of a rotational mechanical system with spring, mass and damper. [6] OR Q6) a) Explain feed back control system with suitable example. [6] b) Explain the building blocks of mechanical system. [6] c) Write a short note on electromechanical system model. [6] SECTION - II Q7) a) b) c) Explain P+I+D control action. Write a short note on : i) proximity switch [5] ii) magnetic switch. Explain Bode plots. [6] [5] OR Q8) a) Explain the use of relays in control system. [5] b) Explain on-off control action in brief. [5] c) Explain dynamic response of first order system to a step input. [6] Explain integrator and differentiator operational amplifier. [6] b) Explain JK flip flop. [5] c) Write a short note on schmitt trigger. [5] Q9) a) OR Q10)a) Explain analog to digital converter. [5] b) Explain inverting and non-inverting operational amplifier. [6] c) Discuss the characteristics of operational amplifier. [5] [3664]-124 2 Q11)a) b) Write a short note on microcontroller. [6] Explain any one application using PLC along with its ladder diagram.[12] OR Q12)a) Explain the use of counters and timers in PLC. [6] b) State the specifications of PLC. [6] c) Explain the block diagram of PLC with a neat sketch. [6] kbkb [3664]-124 3

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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