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Power Plant Engineering (April 2010)

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Total No. of Questions : 12] P1313 [Total No. of Pages :4 [3764] - 142 B.E. (Mechanical) POWER PLANT ENGINEERING (2003 Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks:100 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Use of logarithmic tables slide rule. Mollier charts, electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed. 5) Assume suitable data, if necessary. SECTION - I Unit - I Q1) a) b) Q2) a) b) c) Q3) a) b) Q4) a) b) List and explain the factors affecting site selection for a thermal power plant. [8] Discuss the role of NTPC in the development of power in India. [8] OR Compare the merits and demerits of steam power plant and Gas turbine power plant. [6] With neat sketch explain the working of a pressurised water reactor (PWR). [6] Write a note on nuclear waste disposal. [4] Unit - II What do you understand by coal benefication? What are its advantages?[8] Coal Methanol Mixture (CMM) is considered more promising than Coal Oil Mixture (COM) and Coal Water Mixture (CWM). Discuss in detail.[8] OR With neat sketch explain : [8] i) Mechanical dust collectors. ii) Electrostatic precipitators. Write a note on inplant handling of coal. [8] P.T.O. Unit - III Q5) a) What are the salient features of high pressure boilers? State their advantages. [6] b) In a steam power plant of 60MW capacity boiler supplies steam at 100 bar, 450 C. The steam expands to 20 bar in HP turbine, and reheated to 400 C in the reheater. There after steam expands to a condenser pressure of 0.04 bar. The pressure loss in the reheater is 1 bar. Assuming isentropic efficiency of expansion as 85% in HP stage and 82% in LP stage, find the steam generation capacity required in Tonnes/hour. Take transmission efficiency from turbine to generator as 97% and generator efficiency as 95%. Neglect feed pump work. Calculate overall efficiency. Draw a neat line diagram of the plant and represent the cycle on T-S diagram. [12] OR Q6) a) With a neat sketch explain the working of a schmidt-Hartman boiler. [6] b) What are the requirements of a steam piping system in a steam power plant? [6] c) Explain with a schematic and T-S diagram the working of a topping cycle. [6] SECTION - II Unit - IV Q7) a) Derive the relation between area, velocity and mach number for a varying cross section. [6] b) What do you understand by supersaturated flow? Explain. c) Dry saturated steam at 5 bar enters a convergent-divergent nozzle at a velocity of 100 m/s and leaves at 1.5 bar . The throat and exit areas are 1200 mm2 and 1600 mm2 respectively. Assuming isentropic flow upto throat and taking critical pressure ratio as 0.58, estimate the mass flow rate of steam and nozzle efficiency. [8] [4] OR Q8) a) What is the necessity of condensers in a steam power plants? Write its advantages. [6] [3764]-142 2 b) Define and explain with sketch. i) Degree of supersaturation. ii) Degree of undercooling. [4] c) What are the sources of air in a condenser? Explain the working of an Edward s air pump. [8] Unit - V Q9) a) Derive an expression for diagram efficiency of a single stage impulse turbine. Obtain the condition for maximum efficiency and its value. [8] b) In a stage of an impulse turbine provided with a single row of wheel the mean diameter of the blade ring is 3000 rpm. The absolute velocity of steam at inlet to the blades is 300 m/s and the nozzle angle is 20 . The rotor blades are equiangular and the blade velocity coefficient is 0.87. Determine the power developed in the blading if axial thrust on the blades is 150 N. [8] OR Q10)a) b) List the various losses in turbines and explain them briefly. [6] In a certain stage of a reaction turbine, steam leaves the fixed blade at a pressure of 2.8bar, 0.97 dry and a velocity of 150 m/s. The blades are 30 mm high and the discharge angle for both rings is 20 . The ratio of axial velocity of flow to the blade velocity is 0.72 at inlet and 0.76 at exit from the moving blade. If the turbine uses 5kg/s of steam with 5% tip leakage, determine the mean blade diameter and power developed in the ring.[10] Unit - VI Q11)a) b) c) Explain how unit energy cost is calculated. [5] Define : i) Load factor iii) Plant use factor [4] ii) iv) Capacity factor Diversity factor A power plant of 240 MW capacity (installed) has following particulars: Capital cost = Rs 20000 per kW installed capacity. Interest and depreciation = 12% Load factor = 0.6; capacity factor = 0.56 Annual running charges = Rs. 3 108 Energy consumed in power plant auxiliaries = 8% Calculate the cost of power generation / kWh and reserve capacity. [7] OR [3764]-142 3 Q12)a) Draw and discuss the nature of load curves for atleast 4 types of consumers. [6] b) The maximum demand of a power plant is 96 MW and the daily load is give below. Time (hrs) Load (MW) 0-6 48 6-8 60 8-12 72 12-14 60 14-18 84 18-22 96 22-24 48 Draw load curve and load duration curve. Calculate the load factor of the power plant. What is the load factor of stand by equipment rated at 30 MW that takes up all load in excess of 72 MW. Also calculate use factor. [10] kbkb [3764]-142 4

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Additional Info : 2003 Course
Tags : Pune, Engineering, University of Pune, Engineering question papers, Pune University, previous year question papers, question papers, india, model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers  

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